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[ A/N: to get the full effect, listen to the attached song. or, the moment i knew by taylor swift. ]

Subject: Are you better off?

Dear Scott,

Are you truly better off without me? What am I saying? You are. I apologize. I remember giving you my birthday invitation. You said you'd try to make it. It made me so happy. I was so excited. Maybe you and I were going to reconnect? Oh god! How amazing would that be?

But I remember. This was even more clear. A decent amount of people turned up. But not you. Not Stiles. Not Allison. Not Lydia. Not even Jackson. No one. I had some other friends over. I remember it had been an hour and I was feeling discouraged. I only wanted you to come. I only wanted to see you. And you weren't there.

I went into my bathroom. I tried so hard not to cry. But I remember a few tears fell down my face. I was waiting for you. But you didn't show. I was so hoping you'd burst through that door, apologizing about the lateness and how you'd never miss my birthday. It wasn't the case.

I came out of the bathroom, my makeup was a little messy but it seemed fine. I remember blowing out the candles on my cake, tears were starting to stream down my face. Someone asked me if I was okay and I replied with, "Yeah. I'm just so overwhelmed. This is amazing." Or something along those lines.

They just smiled and nodded and went back to the main party. The tears wouldn't stop. I locked myself in my room. I tried so hard make them stop. But they just wouldn't stop. I was so sure you would come.

The sinking feeling in my gut started. You said you'd try to make it. Did you try? Or did you forget? You probably forgot. It's okay, I don't know why I expected you to come. It was dumb of me. I didn't know what to say. I remember knocking on my door, people were asking what I was doing. I just told them I'd be out.

How do you explain how you were crying because the one person you wanted to show up, didn't? I couldn't. I fell asleep in my room that night. And everyone left my house. My parents were out that weekend. My sister was at a sleepover.

I guess I should have expected you to ignore me. But on my birthday? It seemed to good to be true. You didn't come to my seventeenth either. You went to Heather's, though. I see why, Heather's pretty. I'm sorry she died. Did you know her well? I know Stiles did. Stiles seems to know everyone.

I'm sorry.

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