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It was the day I was going to England and I had to admit that I was a little bit excited. The only thing I wasn't excited for was waking up early in the morning to get on an airplane. I hated flying so much, it made me really anxious. At least I had Fleur with me so I wouldn't absolutely be sick. 

It was dark as my mom drove us to the airport, our suitcases at our feet. I shuddered as the cold air made its way through the windows and into the car somehow. 

"Mom, turn the heat up please," I half moaned half yawned. It was much to early for any human to ever be up at this time. 

"It's up as high as it can go," she said primly. My mom could be so annoying sometimes. 

"Fine," I grumbled pulling my sweatshirt tighter around me. It was too dark and too cold and I hated it. This trip was off to a bad start. 


Turns out the bad start didn't continue for the rest of the day. Thank goodness. We got to our terminal on time and boarded the airplane even a little bit early. Everything went right, contrary to what we had thought at the beginning of the night. 

I bid farewell to my mother, which I was actually sad about. I was going to miss her. And my cats. Being away from my family for an entire summer was too much for me. I just had to keep telling myself how amazing England was going to be. 

The airplane ride was so long though it made me second-guess my choice. Fleur slept almost the entire time. I tried so desperately to slip but it was impossible for me. It just wasn't happening. I stayed up and watched about three or four movies. Other than the length though the flight was fine. 

I grabbed my carry-on and walked down the little connector room that lead to the actual airport. Fleur walked next to me. 

"The air smells different, better," she said with a grin. 

"Ya right, does not," I said shoving her playfully. I had to admit though, she was right. Something was different, different better. I just couldn't place it. Everything just felt so happy. 

Fleur led the way to customs and security where surprisingly nothing bad happened. I was always the one they randomly selected for surveys but luckily I wasn't pulled out or anything. Like I said, it was a perfect flight. 

I led the way after security walking softly down the woven carpet. My Aunt was supposed to meet us outside of the building by the Delta airline. Which was odd because that's not the one we took. Nevertheless she was there. 

Her frizzy red hair flying around her face in the wind. Her black jacket was covered in the long curly hair as well as a lot of cat hair. She looked so out of place. but also happy to see us. 

"Awwww Zoe it's been to long," she said reaching out to give me a hug. "And Fleur," she added with a slight smile in her direction. 

"Hi Ms. Burboun," Fleur said whilst in the process of grabbing her bags. 

"Please call me Sally," she said grinning. "Is there anything I need to carry for you two?" she asked politely looking at out bags. 

We both told her we were okay and could manage everything and then we were off again. I thought we were going straight to Sally's house but I guess we were also taking a quick sight-seeing tour of Brighton. We passed everything of importance, and then we passe the Brighton Pier and I knew I was going to love it here. 

I loved water and anything like a pier or dock made me so happy. I was going to like live at the pier. It also looked fun, and I was always up for fun. 

"This place is amazing," Fleur said trying to look at every single thing that flashed past her window. 

"I'm so glad we're doing thing," I said quietly. And for the first time I wasn't lying. 


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