✨Stick X Adrien✨

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I walked out of school and made my way to the park. I had somehow convinced Gorilla to let me walk even though I got grumbling in response. This was the best day, no homework, no photoshoots and the sun was shining brightly.

I sat on an unoccupied seat and pulled out my phone, scrolling through my social media pages. So many request for marriage and 'I love you's', it's just crazy.

I locked my phone and decided to take a little nap.

I was awoken when a cool sensation slid down my cheek. I fluttered my eyes on and looked up to the sky. The sun was gone, and was replaced by clouds. Dark gray clouds.

"Dammit, Mother nature. At it again with the rain." I mumbled under my breath as I got my bag and slung it over my shoulders.

I walked out of the parkand casually strolled, taking my time to get back. But that was a bad idea.

A black van pulled up beside me and two men, with masks ran out and tried to grab me.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a stick. Yes, a stick. Which was the only weapon I could use for defense. I quickly used my cat reflexes to dodge them and ran, picking up the stick and doing a pose my fencing teachers thought me.

"On guard!" I said as I turned, pointing the stick at them.

Third person

The masked men laughed at the teen model in front of them with his whimpy weapon. They shook their heads and turned more serious.

The first one walked to him, only to have his head whacked by the almighty stick. He held his head and grimaced.

The other ran to him but was hit where the sun don't shine. He winched and held on. Adrien let out a victorious laugh and looked at the skinny stick in front of him. "I love you!" He happily exclaimed at the stick.

He was to caught up with the stick that he didn't notice the men walking up to him again. One had a frying pan.


Adrien collapsed.
The blond laid in the hospital bed. The monitor beeping. Adrien fluttered his eyes open and looked beside to see if anyone was there.

"Jeez!" He scream when he saw the stick that he use to fight the thugs next to him, laying next to him.
That was a random story okay?

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