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In a land known as Aurelia,
all children are born with an inate talent.
These children are catagorized into Summoner, Warrior, Assassin, and Elemetals.
These four types have formed separate councils and together rule the land.
One day, Caleb, a young man born unto two very powerful Elementals one of the air element and of the fire element,
But due to unknown causes he has grown up his entire life without showing any sign of a talent.
This causes others to insult and treat him as though he was worse than trash.
He is sent to the elemental academy by the council leader,
In hopes he would develope his talent during his stay there.


Well first chapter of the new book and we'll now that I've writen it I can see I kind of changed the plot a little..... ok alot, I apologize if you were expecting something different but this is what I had rattling around my brain. I will post next Friday and as always feedback and criticism is always helpful and ENCOURAGED! See you guys next Friday!

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