Dark Side: Chapters 13-15

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Chapter 13

Karina sat in the library for quite some time after Jayce left her, mulling over the conversation they'd had and the ones that had come before. She was trying to figure it all out, trying to fit the pieces together like a puzzle to reveal what was happening in her life right now, but the picture she was making didn't make sense. She thought the prince was asking her to choose between him and her old life, a life she was unhappy with anyway, now that she'd met him. It seemed that Jayce was willing to let everything that had come before go, start fresh as it were, but that couldn't be right...could it?

Looking down at the necklace in her hand, Karina shook her head. If what she thought she'd heard was true, then the decision was an easy one. Or at least it should be... Too bad there were other things at play here, things that Jayce knew nothing about and that she wasn't certain she could leave behind her. Karina suspected that leaving her old life and starting over wouldn't be as easy as simply making a choice to do so.

"There you are! We were worried sick about you, Karina. Don't scare us like that again."

Karina closed her hand into a fist, quickly hiding Jayce's gift from the sight of her friends as they walked toward her through the library. Knowing that her face was likely still tear-stained, she scrubbed at her cheeks and eyes with her free hand before standing.

"It's sweet of you to worry," she said, "but I'm fine. Really."

Emily looked skeptical and Sara shook her head.

"We saw you leave the ball room all upset," Sara informed her. "We know that Jayce is causing problems again. You don't have to protect him, you know. Everyone knows what he's like."

"No, everyone does NOT know what he's like," Karina protested. She'd heard enough of the women bad-mouthing the prince, especially since she'd actually seen very little of the behaviour they were describing. "In fact, I'd wager that none of you know what he's like in the least!"

"Karina!" Emily admonished, shocked by the outburst. "I don't know what Jayce has said to you, or what he's given you, but ask any of the women here. He's charming and sweet, but once he's gotten what he wants, he's on to the next one. In the years I've known him, it's always been like that."

"Then I guess none of you really know him at all, because he isn't like that now," Karina insisted. "He's sweet and thoughtful and kind - the perfect man."

Sara weighed into the conversation. "What about when he disappeared for weeks without word? What about the woman he was with a few days ago? What about not speaking to you or anything since then?"

Karina sighed. "He explained everything to me. It has all been a huge misunderstanding."

"And you believe him?" Emily asked, obviously astonished.

"Yes, I do. He apologized for making me angry even though it was my fault. The sort of man you keep telling me about would never take the blame like that. Either he's changed since you knew him, or you've never really known him at all."

Sara walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Oh sweetie, I hope you're right about him, but if you're not, you know where to find us."

Karina smiled in gratitude, thankful that at least one of her friends was going to be supportive. She left the library and made her way to the front door via the ballroom, finding and thanking their host on her way out. Part of her wanted to head up to the palace right away, wanted to find Jayce and declare her choice of him over her previous life, but there was a practical side to her as well, and the practical side beat the romantic side into submission. With a sigh, Karina headed toward her home, plans and possibilities whirling through her mind and imagination as she walked.

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