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I'm back! Yay, i missed y'all... Im sorry, i started high school and im drowning in homework. But i'll update when i can<3 Im so sleepy but imma update for y'all


It's your schools homecoming game today and you really want to go but you dont wanna go alone. You're hoping your crush asks you but you know that's never gonna happen because you're the 'weird' girl... *sigh*
You walk to 6th period which is math, the class you have with your crush. You slump down on your chair and watch your crush walk in. He sits behind you so you hear his binder slam onto the desk but you ignore it because you really dont wanna deal with him at the moment. The lesson begins and you're concentrated on what the teacher is saying, then a folded piece of paper suddenly lands on your desk & makes you lose your concentration. You grab it and open it, it reads:

"homecoming game tonight, with me? (; - (crush's name)"

You feel yourself start to blush and you can't breathe... You write "yes" on the back and pass it back to him. He opens it and sees your reply and smiles and winks at you. The bell rings and you get up, he tells you, "Be ready at 6:30pm because the game starts at 7pm, i'll pick you up." You simply smile and nod. You start thinking to yourself, 'What am i supposed to wear? I dont have any cute outfits...¿?'

~skip rest~

You're standing in front of your closet tapping your foot nervously. You havent picked out anything to wear yet and it's 5:30, he'll be here in an hour, crap. You pick out a graphic tee, a cardigan and some skinny jeans with black combat boots. Perfect. You go into the bathroom to fix your hair and you only apply mascara and light lip gloss. Ready to go, right on time. The doorbell rings and you take one last look in the mirror before walking out of your room. You open the door and hems standing there, looking as good as always. He grabs you by your waist and you walk together to your school.

The game is boring but you're enjoying it because you're with him. It starts getting chilly, you start to shiver. "Want my jacket?" you hear him ask. "No thanks, i dont want you to freeze because of me." I reply. "I insist, i'd rather be cold than have you be cold." He takes off his jacket and puts it on you. It's nice and warm, he hugs you so youre close to him. The game ends like 10 minutes after. You're walking back home and you finally arrive to your house. He thanks you for going with him and he tells you he had a great time, you reply with the same things. You guys hug and you completely forget about the jacket. You walk into your house where it's nice and warm, then you remember about his jacket. You rapidly open the door and yell his name, he replies. "Your jacket!" You scream. "You can keep it. It's a memory from today." He replies. You smile and thank him and go back inside, take off your clothes and put on your pajamas and get into bed. You fall asleep hugging his jacket and wake up to the thought of him.
Sorry it sucked, im just REALLY sleepy and yeah. Goodnight lovelies<3

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