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i have returned bc this book thing has been getting a lot of attention and i feel bad for not updating ! Well heres another imagine
*Listen to To Build A Home by Cinematic Orchestra (video above, just play it while reading)*

"Y/C/N i dont think this is a good idea" you told your boyfriend of 2 years.
"Babe c'mon, i promise it'll be fun" he stated.
At this moment he was driving somewhere but you didnt know where because he had blindfolded you in order to keep it a "surprise". He wanted to do something special since it was our anniversary.
"We're here babe" i heard him say.
"Well how am i supposed to get out of here if im wearing this stupid thing over my eyes!?" i sassed at him.
"I'll take it off when i help you out of the car." he chuckled a little before he closed the car door on his side. I heard my door open and he carefully grabbed my arm and helped me out. We walked a few feet before he untied the blindfold and removed it from my face. All i could do was gasp and run into his arms. Ever since i moved in with Y/C/N in LA Ive been wanting to go to Disneyland and i reminded emery every chance i got. Tears were streaming down my face, "Babe i didnt bring enough money for my ticket" i said into his chest.
"It's all on me," he said, "I know how much you've been wanting to come here." He paid for our tickets and we walked in. The first thing we decided to do was buy some cute hats. Y/C/N got a Mickey one with a wedding suit and i got one of minnie with a wedding dress (picture above). We went on many rides and ate all the different types of food. After a while Y/C/N noticed that my feet were tired and he offered to carry me so he put me on his shoulders and we watched the fireworks show like that. When the park was close to closing time we decided to take a few pictures in front of the castle. A few silly ones and one of us kissing which was my favorite. We finally went back to his car after a long perfect day. He would occasionally look over at me as he drove and i couldnt help but blush. At one of his glances he missed the red light and continued driving.. last i saw were headlights coming towards us and then black. I woke up and saw emery with a bloody forehead and we were flipped over. I started sobbing and tried to wake him up. The ambulance arrived and took us both. I just had a few scratches but the nurses told me that emerys condition was critical since the truck hit his side. I sat waiting for the doctor. I needed emery to be alive, today was supposed to be the day i told him. Then i saw the doctor walk out.
"Mr. Y/C/N's girlfriend?" the doctor asked.
"Yes thats me " i responded
"Sorry to tell you but emery didnt make it." he said. Everythjng suddenly slowed down, my world was gone.
"Does he have any family we should contact." the doctor asked.
"Yes but theyre all on the east coast" i responded. I wasnt crying because i couldnt believe it.
"Oh and miss, Y/C/N managed to say a few words before he passed. He said he died happy because the last thing he did was spend the last day of his life with his first and only love." As soon as the doctor said that i fell to my knees and started sobbing uncontrollably. Everyone stared as if i was crazy but i didnt care.
I'd visit his grave at least once a week with Y/C/N Jr, yes i was pregnant and i was supposed to tell him that night but the accident happened. We'd stay there a few hours just talking about how my life was going and how much i missed him. I decided not to date. I was extremely sad and i knew he wanted me to be happy but i couldnt, i just couldnt. The hospital let us keep his mickey hat and Y/C/N Jr would wear it very often. Im glad he has something of his dad's to keep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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