Loving you for quite some time T'challa x reader

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**** IMPORTANT**** (Y/e/n) stands for your enemies name so you can use a bully, ex bully, mean girl you know whatever, go crazy. Okay, so this is my first T'challa one-shot thing so bare with me. I thought of something and it turned into this so... yeah, I figured I'd give it a go. I hope you like it!!!! Enjoy!!!

Your P.O.V.
You smiled, smoothing down the front of your dress. T'challa had asked to meet up with you today and you were excited because you hadn't seen much of him since his father's death and the Avengers coming to hide at his palace. You missed hanging out with him and your many talks and good times. You'd known T'challa since you were very young after you were abandoned as a baby and taken in by one of the Wakandan widows who'd lost her husband and was childless. She had just happened to be the seamstress of the royal family so whenever she had to go you went along. There You'd met T'challa and you were fast friends, and still were.
As you entered the living quarters of the palace, you wave at wanda and Scott. T'challa had gladly introduced you when they'd first come to stay, which you couldn't stop thanking him for, you'd always dreamed about meeting them, watching them on t.v. wasn't the same as meeting them for real.
"Morning (Y/n)" Okoye, one of the Dora Milaje that protected T'challa greeted you
"Good morning Okoye... How are you fairing?" You ask following her down the corridor
"I'm doing well, it's been busy with T'challa ruling now but I do not mind, anything to protect my King" she said and you smiled, that was Okoye, always looking out for T'challa.
"That's great. Do you have any idea why T'challa called me here?" You ask
"Not in the slightest, the king had not indulged with me or the others what this is about" She told you. As you stopped in front of his office. "The king will be with you in a moment"
"Alright, thank you Okoye" You say before sitting down on the cushy couches next the window looking out into the vast Wakandan jungle. Your mind drift as you wait when a shrill voice startles you out of your thoughts.
"(Y/n)?! What are you doing here?" You look up to find (y/e/n). She was a princess chosen by T'chaka a while ago as a possible suitor for T'challa, though T'challa had resented the whole idea. T'chaka had kept her around for a while in hopes they grew to like each other, but no such luck and she was sent home much to your relief, anytime you were around she'd hang onto T'challa and threatened you when T'challa wasn't looking. You wondered what she was doing here.
"I have a meeting with T'challa, he asked me to meet him here" You told her.
"Oh, well, he didn't tell me YOU'D be here. I have no idea why he'd want you to be here in the first place"
"T'challa and I have been friends for a long time (Y/e/n). Of course he'd want me here" You say
"Well obviously you haven't been here for awhile..." She sniffed
"What do you mean?" You ask
"Well..."She sighed dramatically and you resist the urge to roll your eyes "T'challa had had a change of heart, and well... You might be looking at the future queen of wakanda" She told you with a smirk. You froze. Oh. OH. This explained why he'd want to talk to you and him keeping his distance. He'd had a change of heart and fallen for (Y/e/n). But... no. NO. He'd loathed her and refused the idea of arranged marriage. Why would he go after her now? But then why was (Y/e/n) here? Your heart fell and broke in two as you realized the horrible truth you feared and tried to deny happening. After being in love with him since you were sixteen and you'd thought he'd started to return his feelings but now. Now, he was going to marry royalty like his father had intended instead of the adopted daughter of the royal seamstress.
"But.... I, what?" You stumble over your words, still dazed."Read my lips you worthless, no name adopted daughter of a seamstress... He doesn't love you. He never has, never will. He loves me" She told you harshly :And besides, you couldn't become queen anyway, You're not royalty" She smirked haughtily.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, I-I'll go" You whisper as you stood, grabbing your purse. "I-I hope you're both very happy together" You say before leaving quickly, past Okoye and the part of Avengers down the hall and into the elevator, holding yourself together until you're in the safety of the limo that had brought you to the palace.
You wipe away stray tears as you watch the palace grow smaller as you leave behind your best friend and what could've been something beautiful.
T'challa's P.O.V.
I walked down the hall with almost a hop in my step trying to contain my excitement. I hadn't seen (Y/n) in a long time and I'd missed seeing her. I was also nervous about what I had to tell her. As I rounded the hall to my office where I knew she'd be waiting, I stopped abruptly when I saw (Y/n) wasn't there, instead, (Y/e/n) was standing there with a sly grin on her face. I groaned inwardly, I really was not interested and she could NOT take a hint. I frowned, how did she get in here anyway? And where was (Y/n).
"T'challa!!!!" She squealed like a pig and grimaced at the high pitched sound.
"(Y/e/n)... What are you doing here? Where's (Y/n)?" I asked
"Ooooo honey are you surprised?! I flew in to see you, I bet you missed me terribly!" She said ignoring my second question as she wrapped her arms round my biceps.
"Yes?" She asked sweetly, batting her eyelashes
"Where. Is. (Y/n)?" I asked
"Ugh. Forget her babe, I sent her away, after I told her about our potential engagement"
"You did what?!" I said
"I sent her away..." (Y/e./n) muttered
'"No. NO. This is unforgivable! Showing up at my palace uninvited, getting rid of my best friend with lies... I'm done. Guards!" I called
"But honey..." She whimpered
"I'm not your honey, I'm not you're anything... Get out of my sight. I never want to see you again, You are now forever banished from wakanda" I said
"Bu-but... no. We were meant to be! UGH, let go of me! You'll regret this! You wait and see! No one rejects me and gets away with it!" She shrieked as they took her away. I ignored her threats, as if she could even get past the border without being shot down.
"Okoye! Come with me we're going after (Y/n)" I said heading down to the garage.
"Yes sir" She replied as I hurried down the hallways, I had to make this right before it was too late and I lost the one person I needed most in my life.
Your P.O.V.
You stood in your small apartment, throwing clothes into open suitcases, wiping away tears as you went, refusing to break down about something that hadn't been there in the first place. Now it was better to disappear from his life completely. You're trying to zip one of your overflowing suitcases when a voice stops you.
"You need some help?" T'challa's gentle voice asks
"No" You huff "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be with (Y/e/n)?"
"No, I want to be with you" He told you
"T'challa..." You sigh "You know we can't be together, even if we wanted to... I'm not of royal descendant" you told him, still jiggling the darn zipper while trying to stuff all the escaping clothes.
"I don't care, I'm king and I can make or change the rules" He said
"What will everyone think? The new king marrying a commoner, that'll look real good on you and you'll receive all kinds of prejudice about it I'm sure" You reply bitterly "Why can't I get this darn zipper to move" You snap pushing it away as angry tears escape.
"(Y/n)..." T'challa gently takes your hand in his "I don't care, I love you, I've loved you for quite some time now, it's only now that I've come to fully realize that I do and how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you" He told you. You blink away tears, looking up at the tall king.
"Really? You love me?" You ask
"Yes, I love you very much" He told you and your face breaks into a smile and you begin to cry again.
"Hey, hey, don't cry... Why are you crying?" He asked, wiping away your tears
"I'm not sad, these are happy tears" You answer laughing as he kissed your cheeks
"Good, I don't like it when you're sad" He told you as he pulled you close. You smiled into his shirt, breathing in his scent.
"By the way, what happened to (Y/e/n)?" You asked
"I banished her, no one hurts you without consequences" he told you and you laughed, pulling him close and kissing him like you'd dreamed about doing since you realized you loved him. He was everything you'd ever wanted in a man and now that you had him there was no way you were going to let go.
Soooo.... what'd you guys think??? Should I do more??? Let me know!!! Thanks, I hope you liked it!!!

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