9 More Years

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March 14th. The trees just starting to shed their blankets of snow in search for the warm sun. Buds began forming at the ends of every branch. The grass was wet with morning dew, every little drop refracting the sun's calm warm rays like nature's beautiful kaleidoscope. It was a wonderful day in Zootopia for only being eleven in the afternoon. Kids ran crazy in the backyard, sliding in the damp grass as they played tag or ninjas. Parents shared small talk with red solo cup of punch in paw, hoof, or trunk. He began laying snacks and food fix 'ems across the island counter top. She snuck some last minute decorations from behind the security of the fridge door against her back. And they swore they could hear the joyous laughter of three specific children over anything. It was Alex, Peter, and Johanna's 9th birthday party.

"Well they sure are having a lot of fun. 9 years already, huh?" Said the elephant ducking into the kitchen. Judy looked back and smiled closing the fridge door. She walked up to Nick's side, pulling a carrot stick off the platter and dipping into the ranch.

"Heh, yeah. It's hard to believe sometimes." He said nudging his wife under his grip.

"Enjoy it while it lasts," said a lioness, " In nine more years you are going to be wishing for these times again."

Judy stared off into space for a minute trapped in her thoughts... Nine more years? Nick simply smiled while crossing his arms. "Well, then I guess we've got nine more years. Right, hun?" His voice shook her from her gaze into nothing, and she put on a smile. A fake smile. Not because she was unhappy, but because she was afraid and tries to stay positive.

"Yep, nine more years." How did it come so fast? Judy could remember just holding her little babies like it were only yesterday. Now Peter was just as tall as her, and he was still growing. Her babies were growing up so fast. It was saddening for a mother's eyes. She snapped out of it and went back to the fridge.

Peter, Alex, and Johanna take a break to chat with their best friends Patrick, Caleb, and Lily. The friends they've had ever since kindergarten. As the bunnies and fox listen in to what the lion, gazelle and bunny were saying, out from behind them came the familiar sound of their mother.

"Okay, kids! Time for cake!" She gently yelled. Ears perked, eyes widened, and animals came rushing from the very ends of the fence posts. Animals big and small packed into the dining room, circling around the table in a crescent. And at the center were two very happy bunnies, and a very happy fox in party hats. All eyes fixated on the sweet prize. The cake. Neapolitan. Baked by Judy herself. Normally, she would ask Gideon Grey, but he was on a little vacation, and she wasn't that bad of a baker herself thanks to watching her mother in the kitchen as a kit. Their eyes sparkled as the three candles were lit. Then came the chorus singing that timeless song.

'Happy birthday to you...

Happy birthday to you...♪

Happy birthday to you three...♪

Happy birthday to you...♪'

Alex, Johanna, and Peter together leaned their heads back, taking in a deep breath, thought deeply about each of their wishes, and blew out the candles. Applause. The familiar smell of smoke from the fuse and melting wax filled Judy's nostrils. Her heart sank a little bit, but a smile remained on her face. Her childhood had already gone, so fast at times. It never affected her. She just simply grew up as if it were just any old thing. But now that she was a parent, and she was seeing her sons and daughter grow up just as fast, it gave her heartache. What happened to her three little babies?

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