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yes im updating at 1 am fuck with me

niall was ecstatic.
he had never been more excited, and merely any second the three boys would burst through his apartment door.

he had been talking to calvin ever since the whole 'rostin/auman' incident. he didn't know what to call the two together regardless, plus leafycynical was 10,000 times better anyway.
.. not that he'd admit that out loud, obviously. niall had his crushes, and this one wouldn't slip. especially at a time like this, where his friends were coming to his fucking flat to stay for two weeks.

the paintbrush quietly picked up a couple things off of the floor; mostly, his apartment was clean so it didn't really matter. he moved over to his computer, turning on the one song his little 90's heart couldn't resist.
possum kingdom.
yes, by the toadies. him and calvin had been talking about music, and this song came up almost immediately from niall. calvin had surprisingly known the song, agreeing that it was pretty good.

he quietly danced around like the cinnamon roll he was, throwing trash off of the tables or shit that was laying around.

that was..
until his favorite line came around.
niall picks up a hairbrush, singing and swaying his lips like it were actually a microphone.

"i'm not gonna lie, i want you for mine!"

at that very second, calvin was the first to make it upstairs with his suitcase.
he automatically felt his face grow warm as he dropped his bags and ran to niall, grinning as he sang along with the boy.

"my blushing briiiiiide, my lover, be my lover, yeah!"

the lesbian beams, throwing one of his arms around calvin's waist and holding the brush between the two, where they both pathetically sang at the same time.

and ironically enough, this was the moment austin and roman walked through the door.

"dooon't be afraid, i didn't mean to scare you- so help me, jeEEeEsus!"

austin immediately saw this as payback. he'd already had his phone in his hand, so he had a short "fuck that" moment, recording the two being dumb fucks so he could share it with the world.

roman, on the other hand, was laughing his ass off. he had his head held in his hand, quiet giggles and chuckles escaping his lips. while recording the other two, austin couldn't help but spare a glance and add roman into the video, he couldn't help it.


[insert video]

what the fuck



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(ayyy 420)

niall, almost instantly, removed his hands from the brush and calvin and dropped it onto the ground. his face was unbearably red and he didn't want to seem any more fucking gay than he already did.
shuffling to his computer, he turns off the music and coughs awkwardly.

"so uh, hey guys."

"no-homo niall, am i right." roman snickered, pulling his friend into a hug. austin shrugged, wrapping his slender arms around the both of them. he winked at calvin, who sighed and joined in.

"i feel like an eleven year old girl, are we done yet?" calvin groans as the three pull away, shrugging.

"since it's like.. 10:00," niall glances down at his phone, "there's one other guest room, and another spot on my bed, because i don't really give a fuck. and the couch, for whoever wants to be lonely."

roman and austin both race toward the extra bedroom, austin falling onto his ass trying to stuff himself through the door way.
"my room, bitch." the larger boy taunts, flipping him off.
"oh, fuck you, roman."
"maybe i will."

"hEY WOAH," calvin yells from niall's bedroom, "WOAH."

niall laughs, diving beside the pinecone. "they won't, we both know this."
"well yeah, but who says i won't fuck you?" the meme giggles, the paintbrush blushing heavily and shaking his head.
"me, for fuck's sake."

why'd you only call me when you're high? | leafycynical Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora