The Shoes We Fill

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Are we children playing in mother's closet
Trying on her shoes
Believing we understand love in all its complexities

Are we students grasping for answers
Guessing at the questions
Not understanding our own minds let alone communicate what they tell us

Are we prisoners stuck in the limbo
Of trying to free ourselves
From our constant conundrum that we have been forced to live in

Being told we are adults
But treated like children
Told to respect our elders
To sit down, shut up and obey
That we will understand when we're older

Did we forget that age is just a number
And everyone is equal
That age should not allow the belittlement of one another
Or justify entitlement

Did we forget that we deserve the same respect
Or have we been raised in a society that believes us to be inferior

Are we still finding ourselves
Or have we been taught that we aren't actual people

Who are we
Who has the answers
Who decides our reality

Not them
Not society
Not anyone
But us

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