closed door

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Can we all see what's behind a closed door? Some can most cant.
Can he see that im running? Behind the closed door?
I bet not.
Why would he even want to open the door?
He wouldn't because he dont care.
He never has.
He never did.
Never was my exisitance important to him.
Never my soul had a porpuse.
Good bye world he never even wanted to look.
He never tried to open the door.
Im not needed.
Not wanted.
Not special.
Will you open the door?
Why should you no one should even bother because no one wants me or wants to know me
I shall just end my life now
Because i cant keep going on
With all this bull shit
I cant take it any more
Im trying to hold on
But my hinges are falling off
They are breaking
Cracking i hear them do
Squeak squeak they go
Slip more and more i do
Getting closer and closer to losing grip and falling hard on the ground
Smacking my face i shall and break my neck i must
Good bye world

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