harmful myself

19 1 1

I cut
Yes i know i know it bad
But it felt sooooo nice
I felt happy
I i actually smiled
It brought me joy
Joy that i never had
Joy that i never thought i could have
And i seen it
I felt it
I have 4 cuts as of this moment right now
Its been a while since i have again
I did 3 cuts then stopped for i think 1 month and 2 weeks
And i tried to punish my friend by cutting and that didnt work
So i didnt eat
So she thought
Still didnt effect her
So im ignoring her right now
I know she hates being ignored
So i am
But thats for other time to speak of
You shouldnt cut no matter what
Brave through it
Just because i found joy into it dont mean you should do as i have done
I did think before i did it and yet i still did
I have and awesome mother
Awesome friends even the one im punishing for her bad doings that she must learn
No more sugar coating it
She must have all truth spoken to her
At least i give her the truth
And since so this means punishing her
I dont exspect you to understand it fully in your point of view but i understand it in mine
To me its just hard on how to explain it
Sooo i cant really get all in it because to me when i explain it it always sounds like im just repeating words over again and again
But remember
Dont cut never
Its bad
Dont do as i done
You think im inspiring im not
If i am please listen to me
Dont cut brave though it and make the world beautiful with you alive in it any says other wise message me and ill tell you how i think i know you have a purpose to live and you are wonderful just the way you are
So dont cut
Be confident
Be brave
Brave though it
>> this is the last part in this story I'll creat another thing for my thoughts and actions<<
Goodbye world

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