Chapter 10

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@haileesteinfeld: so guys its official me nd Joel are dating 💜 I love you baby😘

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@haileesteinfeld: so guys its official me nd Joel are dating 💜 I love you baby😘

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@danielaknight : I knew it, you guys are such a cute couple💗💗
@clarisse_chi: finally wish u guys the best ❤❤
@xyoandrix:don't hurt her @primejoel she's like a sis to me💙

@primejoel: @xyoandrix I would never hurt such a beautiful girl like her💘💘
@jasminthequeen: eww worst couple ever
@theyoyosquad: u guys make such a great couple 💗💗 nd @jasminthequeen your just jealous that you ain't dating Joel
@joelisbae: as long as he is dating you Hailee I accept because you make him so happy as long as he is happy I'm happy❤❤

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