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@vanessa17: just cuz bae said to post 😘😜💙
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@cncoftyoyo: maybe open your eyes next time👀
@primejoel: princess your beautiful as always😍👑🔥😙
@joelisbaeasf: why does Joel even like you ??😞
@vanessa17:@joelisbaeasf: he could date anyone he wants he doesn't have to listen to a little girl like you
@haizndjoel: why are you such a bitch??😕
@xyoandrix: Vanessa act like your age not grade
@celinev: @xyoandrix you go baby❤
@pimentel99: why are you mean to your bf's fans , Joel should've stayed with Hailee
@vanessa17: @pimentel99 I ain't mean to his fans but if u think I am then that's on you 😘
@clarisse_chi: how many colors does your hair have ??
@vanessa17:@clarisse_chi why do u care
@haileesteinfeld: ok @vanessa17 stop being a bitch to everyone! Just cuz your going out with a superstar doesn't mean you have to be a bitch all of a sudden , oh nd also don't talk to Clarisse like that all she was just asking is how many colors you have. Is it that hard to answer
@vanessa17: @haileesteinfeld I don't have to listen to you so yeaa 😘😘