Chapter 93

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H: So Joel these past 2 months that I've spent time with you I still get butterflies and I feel the same way as we were dating I love you Joel nd I think I've always had

J: you don't know how happy i am right now Haiz so the Question I wanted to ask you I a would you like to be my gf

H: yess Joel I would love to be your gf

~than Joel kissed Haiz~

@haileesteinfeld: your fav couple is back together😂😍❤

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@haileesteinfeld: your fav couple is back together😂😍❤

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@joeisbae: omg yay 😭❤

@xyoandrix: FINALLY!!!😌💙

@clarisse_chi: I knew it 😂❤😻

@danielaknight: I'm so glad you guys are back together nd plzz STAY together😍😍😌❤

@primejoel: I love youuuu 😍😍😘❤

@haizndjoel: ahhhh you guys are finally back together😭😭💛

@daddyjoel: awww😍😍❤

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