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3rd POV

It was December 12, 1997, only 13 days until Christmas day. In the Fischbach family, stood a small eight year old Mark, the half-human puppy that the family adopted the same day he was born. When he was first discovered anyway.

He was found out in an open field on July 28, 1989 when the family was out on a picnic. 7 year old Tom, the only child, spotted him lying in the short grass. He was no bigger than the size of two adult male hands.

He brought him back to his mother, who was across from his father at the picnic table. "Mom! Mom! Look what I found!" He exclaimed, holding Mark up to her. "Oh! Is that...a puppy? Or a baby...?" She asked in confusion, seeing a dog's ears and tail on him.

Tom turned him around to look at him. "Maybe...he's both! Oh that's so cool!" He said happily. "Put that thing down. We don't even know where it came from." His father stated. "Oh, honey he's just the cutest little thing! We can't leave him out here all alone." She told him.

He sighed. "Fine, we'll keep him. But you're taking care of him, mister!" He said, pointing to Tom. "I will, I promise!" He smiled. Mark opened his eyes, covering them from the sudden sunlight. "Hey little buddy! Hm...what can I name you?" Tom asked himself curiously.

"Alex? No...Tim? Nooo...oh I got it! His name can be Mark! Little Mark Fischbach!" Mark looked up at him with a smile, wagging his furry brown tail. And that was how Mark got his name and was accepted into the family.

Back to the present day in 97, Mark scurried around the living room looking for his little Santa hat that he wore every Christmas. "Where is it???" He asked himself, throwing pillows off the couch during the search.

"Mark, honey you're making a mess. We can find your hat later, you've still got plenty of time to do so." His mother said with a smile. His ears dropped to the sides as he pouted, putting the pillows back where they were.

Tom came downstairs with his phone in his hand and ear buds in his ears. He was fifteen now, so he was trusted to watch over Mark properly. "Hey little buddy. Ready to go to the park?" He asked him. Mark smiled and nodded.

They headed out and Tom sat on the park bench while Mark ran around and played on the slide. When he slid down, he accidently bumped into another kid. "Meow!" Mark heard him cry out as he fell onto the ground.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" He apologized as he tried to help him up. He seemed to part animal as well. A cat, that is. He had white ears and a long white tail. "Woah, you're just like me! What's your name?" Mark asked curiously.

"My name is Jack. Thank you for helping me. I've never met anyone like me either!" Jack said happily as a smile grew upon his face. "Why do you sound so funny?" Mark asked, noticing his Irish accent. Jack laughed.

"I get it from my owners. They say they're from...Ireland...? I think...? Yup I think that's right." Mark smiled at his answer. "Really? That's so cool! I've never heard of it but I like the way they talk!" He complimented.

Jack laughed and ran up the steps to the slide again. Mark followed soon after. They both took turns sliding down and after a while decided to go on the swings. "Want me to push you on the swing?" Mark asked kindly.

"Mhm!" Jack agreed, excitedly hopping onto it. Mark gave him a big push. "Weeeeee!" He said joyfully. After minutes had passed, Tom called out. "Mark! Come on, it's time to go home!"

"Aww..." He groaned sadly as he stopped pushing. Jack stopped himself. "You have to go already...?" Jack asked, not wanting him to. He nodded unfortunately, his ears drooping down again. He sighed and told him goodbye and he strolled back over to Tom.

"What's wrong?" He asked in concern. Mark looked back in response, seeing Jack still settled on the swing with his head down. "Is that your friend?" Tom asked. Mark nodded. Tom thought for a moment and stood up.

He walked over to Jack with a smile. "Hey little guy. Can you point out where your parents are so I can ask if you can come over?" Jack lifted his head up as his eyes lightened. He immediately pointed to them and Tom went to do so.

They accepted the invitation and Jack tagged along as they went home. "Mom, Dad we're back! And Mark made a new friend today!" He called as they ran into the house. His mother came down the stairs to see them.

"Oh my. Is that a little kitten? How sweet!" She smiled as she saw them playing together. "You can't catch me!" Jack said as he ran around the room. "Yes I can!" Mark soon caught up with him and pounced on him.

They both fell to the floor laughing out. "Aw man, you're too fast!" Jack said as he panted in exhaustion. "Uh huh. Told you I could catch you." He smiled, helping him up. "Are you boys hungry? I've got dinner ready for ya." His mom told them.

They both jumped up and headed to the kitchen, climbing onto their seats. She set the food out in front of them on the table and they each thanked her for it. She petted both their heads before heading back upstairs.

They finished their meals and went to the living room to watch cartoons. Tom sat there with them. Even as a teenager, he enjoyed a few cartoons every now and then.

Hours of laughing and cartooning had passed and soon Mark and Jack had fallen asleep on one another. They both had their head resting on the other's. Tom chuckled at the sight of them. He decided it was time for Jack to go home.

His mom was asleep, so he requested his dad to drive Jack home. He agreed to do so and Tom picked him up off the couch, keeping him in his lap as they took him home.

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