16: (T)ease

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Inhale. Exhale. Repeat.

You had finished preparing your works in the exhibit and was now currently waiting for the exhibition to start. There was a slight chatter in the open space, the other artists also putting the finishing touches on their displays. Looking at the clock every so often, you continue to take deep breaths to calm yourself. After a few more deep breaths, you tear your eyes away from the clock you've been eyeing for the millionth time and decide to go to the washroom to freshen up.

Since it was a special event, the dress code for the exhibit was formal wear. You fixed your hair that you had taken more time to do that day and smoothed out your dress. Glancing in the mirror, you let out a disgruntled sigh. Most of your lipstick had come off during your many water breaks of trying to calm yourself down. Pulling out your small make up bag from your purse, you take the time to touch up your make up, applying some more rouge on your lips.

You jump when you feel your phone buzz in your purse and then pull out your phone after putting your small make up bag back in your purse. As you check the text, your eyes widen a smidge at the message.

Oikawa: I came early! Where are you?

You text him back promptly to let him know you were on your way to meet up with him before stuffing your phone back in your purse. Checking the time, you let out a resigned sigh. There was still half an hour before the event started.

As you got to the entrance, you see Oikawa through the glass doors, looking around. He notices you when you get closer to the doors, him freezing up suddenly. You raise your brow at him. Did you come at the wrong time?

Opening the door, you shoot him a teasing smile. "You know, I could mistake you for a statue right now." You poke his side, making him jerk back from your finger. "Ah, there we go! There's Oikawa~"

His cheeks puff at you before he walks inside while you close the door and follow after him. "I can see why it was a formal event..." He lets out a whistle, nodding at the set up. After Oikawa gets a good look at his surroundings, he turns back to you. "That is a very good look for you Rudolph~" He winks at you before playfully saying, "I guess red doesn't only look good on your nose!"

Your eyes narrow slightly at his teasing, lips forming a small pout as Oikawa looks at you smugly while he waits for your retort. You rack your brain to throw back a witty retort but come up with nothing, biting the inside of your cheek in thought. When you turn to look back at Oikawa, you finally process his appearance. He had left his blazer open, his dress shirt firmly pressed and tucked into his fitted slacks as a black tie securely hung around his neck. Oikawa notices you eyeing his outfit, his smug smile widening further. "Pretty good look right?" His smile falters when you stare at him blankly, resulting in him starting to shift around awkwardly, looking seemingly unsure of himself as he waited for you to say something.

You blink up at him, surprised. Was he self-conscious?

Your eyes soften at his fidgeting form, lightly gripping the sleeve of his blazer so he could meet your eyes. "You know, you're a real work of art." You grin at your little at your pun as you catch him let out a snort, a pleased smile slowly forming on his face. You let go of his sleeve before you fully turn away from him, internally patting yourself on the back.

That's when you realized that out of all the facial expressions he made, you definitely liked his smiling one the best.

"C'mon, I'll sneak you some of the treats in the backroom before the exhibit opens~"


As the doors finally opened, you instinctively held your breath when you saw your family and Ami look around before spotting you. Oikawa clasped his hand on your shoulder for a moment before squeezing it in reassurance and then letting go. Ami ran up to you first and gripped your hands in excitement, her eyes sparkling.

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