16.5: Jun

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Side chapter surprise! I present you Jun's perspective!

*NEW!!* Edit: I wasn't satisfied with this chapter so I edited it more to make it flow better. I apologize for this rushed side chapter if you have read this previous to the edit, I like to keep my scheduled updates on time...


Once a year Jun would find time to visit his hometown to catch up with your guys' parents, his high school friends...and you. He couldn't pinpoint when it exactly happened but the divide between you two seemed to grow wider and wider each passing year. You always had something to do when he visited but he hoped that this year would be the year where he could at least try and mend things that were breaking over time.

Jun wasn't ignorant to why you were acting this way towards him. There was a lot of pressure coming from a lot of different areas, it wasn't unusual to feel overwhelmed by it all. What he didn't like was how the pressure was stopping you from the things he knew you loved to do.

After you had left to walk Oikawa out, the dinner table became quieter, the parents mulling over if what they said was too much and Jun mulling over how he should of spoken up sooner. He glanced at his half eaten plate and looked up towards his parents. He wanted to make sure you got the chance you deserved.

Jun's hand reaches into his pants pocket as it brushes against a pamphlet containing information on an art university around where he works. Jun had obtained it while he was in contact with one of his acquaintances. He supposed that this pamphlet would be a good time to throw in that chance for you.

He sighs as he combs his fingers through his hair to compose himself, the sound making the parents turn their attention to him. Jun is quiet for a while until he gathers his bearings before he finally speaks. "There's an art school close by my place that [Name] can try applying for. It'll also save a lot of money rather than living in a dorm." He pulls out a slightly wrinkled pamphlet from his pants pocket and hands it to your dad.

Jun pauses for a moment, trying to figure out his next few words. Your dad looks at your brother expectantly, knowing he still had more to say. However, Jun turns away from the expectant gaze, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Although he was unsure of his opinion on your particular matter held much value, he wanted to support you in any way he could.

A moment more passes until Jun finally mulls up the will to speak again. "...I'll let you decide whether to let her know about that option or not. It's still important to have everyone's support."

Your dad glances at the art pamphlet with a scrutinizing gaze, putting his attention on each section of the pamphlet and then handing over the pamphlet to your mom before turning his attention back to Jun. "...We'd like to do some research on this art school you were referring to before we do anything else."

Jun lets out an internal sigh of relief as he nods at your dad. "I leave it up to you. Thank you for considering it."

The relief calmed down his nerves as he glanced back at his half eaten plate before making a move to finish the rest of it. By the way the parents had reacted to his proposal, there was a definite chance that you would be able to pursue art out of high school.

Knowing that your will and motivation was building up in strength, Jun felt it was time to let the parents know about the art school considering when he saw you for dinner that day. Your eyes held that light he hadn't seen for ages and when Oikawa walked up beside you he knew how exactly you got it back.

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