18: Hoodies

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"This one?" You hold up a shirt and scrutinize it for a good measure before putting it down and holding up another piece of clothing. "...Or this one?"

Of course, this wasn't because you thought this was a date or anything, you were trying to figure out clothes to make sure it didn't seem like one. The way Oikawa asked to hang out with you was a little strange last night, but now that you were more awake in the morning, you couldn't help but wonder.

You treasured your friendship with Oikawa too much to go any further than that. Friendships could last forever and if you did pursue a romantic relationship with him, what would happen if it didn't work out? He'd be out of your life and you didn't accept that thought one bit.

Now, going back to your more current problem: your outfit for today.

Your room was more than a little messy at this point, most of your clothes strewn all over the floor and on top of your bed. Your mom had popped in and just gave you a teasing smile before leaving without a word. You decided to ignore it for the moment, hoping that she would tell you what she knew one day.

You spent a couple more minutes of mindless searching in your closet until you found something you could wear-a hoodie. It was still new and you wonder why you never wore it before but you guessed that since it was in the back of your closet, you just forgot about it. Nodding to yourself, you pull out the hoodie and hold it up at arm's length. The material was thin and airy, perfect for the sunny weather for today, but also casual enough.

Finally getting dressed, you look to your watch before starting to head out. That is, until you get a text from Oikawa before you get out the door.

Taking a look at your phone, all you see is an address and directions to get there. The next text however, explained the sudden change in location.

Oikawa: Change of plans! Can you meet me at my place first? I would come to yours but I can't leave my house at the moment...

You send a quick reply and say you'll be there in a couple minutes, to which he thanks you gratefully and apologizes for the sudden change.


You blink when you're met with a cheeky grin belonging to a certain person's nephew after you ring the doorbell of Oikawa's home.

"Ah, Rudolph is here!" He turns his head to call out to Oikawa who was currently missing at the moment.

Your eye twitches slightly when you hear the nickname. You know you said you didn't mind it but did Oikawa never bother to tell his nephew your actual name?

The moment Takeru calls out for Oikawa, both of you hear loud footsteps quickly making its way to the front door.

"Takeru! I told you that I would answer the door!" He scolded Takeru before turning his attention to you with a sheepish smile. "Sorry to spring this onto you, I still wanted to hang out with you but this guy..." His palm smacks down on Takeru's head lightly. "...Wanted to come when he heard about it."

"But it's not a date, right?" Takeru's voice was clear as it cut through the air.

Oikawa freezes for a moment before he laughs a little awkwardly. "O-of course it wasn't." He rubs the nape of his neck, his eyes not meeting yours.

"Yeah, we were just going to hang out," you agree, smiling at Takeru as you give him a thumbs up. "Plus, the more the merrier right?"

Takeru visibly beams at your response before you put your hands on your hips, biting the inside of your cheek in thought. What could all three of you guys do?

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