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Elizabeth's P.O.V

       The bell was about to ring as I rushed to class. I had never been late to class before, but my best friend Grace decided to leave her house early so I couldn't get a ride.

The bell rang just as I got to the door and my Spanish teacher, Mrs. Washington decided to let it slide. Thank goodness. She took roll and got started on her lesson.

I'm a great student. I have straight A's and a 4.0 GPA so Mrs. W is probably very confused as to why I'm late. It's my junior year and I've never once had a detention, I don't want my first one to be for being late. Today we had to take our projects that were assigned a week ago, and present them to the whole class. The whole point was to write about ourselves and present the whole thing in Spanish.

"Would anyone like to volunteer to go first?" Mrs. Washington asked with a smile on her face.

Although I was a great student, I was very shy and I hated speaking publicly. So I never volunteered for anything.

After about fifteen seconds of complete silence and blank stares, Mrs. W decided to pull a card.

"Calum, you're up first" she said while smirking.

A big groan left his lips as he got up and grabbed his paper. I had to admit, he was pretty attractive. He had a nice blonde streak in his hair, and he rocked black skinny jeans and band tees. The only thing he lacked was a brain. I think he's actually the dumbest person at this school. He has all c's and D's and whenever he's asked a question the answer is always wrong. At least in Spanish it is. He is an amazing soccer player though. His amazing soccer skills are probably the only reason he hasn't gotten kicked out or dropped out of school.

When he got to the front of the class, he cleared his throat and started his speech.

"hola mi nombre es Calum" he started.

"Tengo dieciocho años de edad , nacido y criado en Sydney , Australia . Mis aficiones son el fútbol , comer ,
dormir , y tocando el bajo . Yo sólo toco el bajo cuando estoy molesto , o sentimiento solitario. Tengo una hermana llamada Mali- Koa , y los nombres de mis padres son la Joy en David . Ya he terminado ahora , adiós ."  He put his papers to his side and waited for Mrs. Washington to give her feedback.

"Well done Calum!" She said with a smile, and my mouth hung open. If he did good I was destined to do well too. All he said was he liked soccer, eating, sleeping, and some instrument. He probably used google translate to type it out.

"Thanks" he said awkwardly and sat back down. He seemed shy too, but only in this class. When he's out in the halls, everyone is all over him. Probably because of his face. I mean his personality? I don't know.

After a few more people presented their speeches, the bell finally rang.

"We will get to the rest of you on Monday." Mrs. Washington stated, as Kids spilled out of the room. I went through the rest of the day quickly and thanked God for the weekend. I love school, but I just needed a quick break.

I saw Grace after school and she had a worried look on her face.

"LIZZY!" She screamed. "I'm so sorry about this morning, my mom and dad were fighting, and my bird just died and I was just stressed, and-"

"It's fine" I interrupted with chuckle. Although I was late, I'm just glad I didn't get in trouble.

"Okay good! But guess what?!?!" She asked excitedly, and I got nervous. Whenever she says "guess what" it normally means she's planning something or needs my help with something bad.

"What?" I asked nervously.

"I GOT INVITED TO A PARTY!!" She said excitedly earning us looks from the other students around us.

"Oh no" I stated. This cannot be good.

"BUT YOU CAN BE MY PLUS ONE!" There it is. I can not be her plus one, because at every party they're drunk, or high. And I can NOT afford to get drunk or high anytime soon.

"No. Way." I said with a serious look on my face. I did not want to be anywhere near any of them. "Who's party is it anyways?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Luke Hemmings" she said with a smile on her face. Ugh. Luke Hemmings. Her crush since the fifth grade. Mind you we're juniors now. "The one you promised you'd set me up with" she said with puppy eyes.

"Ugh" I groaned out loud "fine" I really did not want to go to the stupid party, but I guess I'm kind of a good friend so I'll go.

My worst mistake.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~    Authors Note:
Hey! I'm Lydia, and this is my first fanfic so please be nice, and bare with me. LOL. I've never tried anything like this and I really like it so read if you'd like LMAO. Also follow my Twitter @lydiafthood which is same as my wattpad so YEE thanks for reading!!!

Xx Lydia :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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