I Will Fight For You

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(Trigger warning: Slight homophobic slurs)

Washington was pacing around his tent while Alexander began to rant. "Sir, I don't see why you won't let me take the lead?" Alexander said, finishing up another one of Washington's correspondents.

"No, I don't want you in the front of the field son." Washington stated, looking out of his tent. Alexander flinched at the word 'son'. The word triggered memories of his mother or his father leaving him. "Sir, you know how I feel about the word 'son'." Alexander muttered and placed his quill down. Washington nodded and sat across from Alexander.

He stared at the pile of letters stacked on his desk and swiped them off with one quick motion. "Why did you do that,sir?" Alexander exclaimed, dropping to his knees to pick up the paper. "Leave it Alexander. Just take a break. We need to let down our guard for a minute." Washington sighed and slouched into his chair.

Alexander rose a brow and sat back into his seat. "Just relax. Tell me some good news or something to calm my nerves." Washington said as he placed his head in his desk. Alexander pondered for a moment. He tapped his fingers against the desk in a rhythmic beat. "Well, Laurens and I are really hitting it off. You already knew that. Hercules was sent back to New York, Lafayette misses him dearly though."

Washington's head rose and he raised a brow. "Lafayette?" Alexander tilted his head in confusion. "You know, Marquis de Lafayette." Washington shook his head, "I know who he is, but why does he miss Hercules so much." Alexander furrowed his brows and crossed his arms. "Mr. Washington, I wasn't hired to fill you in on gossip."

Washington pouted and Alexander rolled his eyes. "No, sir. I have to go. We're not finished with our discussion." He stated, rising from the chair and walking out of the tent. As he passed his fellow troop member, Charles Lee, he heard an interesting conversation.

"Washington has no simple clue as to what he is doing. He's going to lead us all to death. He has that little servant, what was his name again? Andrew Hankers? Anyway, that assistant of his does everything. Plus, I'm 100% sure he's attracted to that queer, Johnathan. Honestly, Washington should still be planting tobacco at Mount Vernon." Lee hissed to the other solders. Alexander growled, and balled his fist. He walked back to his and John's tent, muttering incoherent things about Charles Lee.

"Alex, are you alright?" John asked, looking up from his sketch book. "Charles Lee is a bastard." Alexander bluntly said, and collapsed on his cot. John chuckled and looked back at his drawing. "What else is new?" Alexander grunted and laid on his side. "I have to put an end to this."

John stared at Alexander. "Alex, you're gonna get yourself killed." Alexander looked back at John and sat up. "He insulted the general, he insulted you. I'm not going down without a fight." John sighed and set his book down. "Alexander, you General Washington said to not get into anymore fights."

Alexander pouted and lied back down. John sighed again and crawled into the bed with Alexander. He wrapped his arms around Alexander's waist. "I...I can duel him...if that makes you feel better." He muttered into Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander turned to him and rose a brow. "John, I'm not letting you fight my battles. I can do this." John shook his head. "You'll be sent home for sure if you fight Lee. Let me do this for you." Alexander smiled slightly and pressed his lips against John's nose. "Fine, but I will be your second."

(Time skip brought to you by TURTLES!!!)

John strolled up to Charles Lee and tapped his shoulder. "What do you want?" Charles growled. John flinched and sighed. "Look, I don't want to do this Lee, but I challenge you to a duel. We don't have to, of course, just apologize for talking about Washington and I."

Charles scoffed and crossed his arms. "Listen here slut, yeah I know your fucking that Hankers behind everyone's back. I could expose you Johnathan, sending straight to death. You wouldn't want that, now would you?" John froze and gritted his teeth. He grabbed Charles' collar and growled. "You and me. Dawn." He muttered and let go Charles' collar.

Alexander greeted him from inside their tent and his smile faded. "Didn't go so well?" He asked as John sat down on the edge of the bed, looking rather upset.

"I'm going to shoot Lee in the mouth." John muttered quietly.

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