Carissa and Scott

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hello all!!  ive been craving to add us the duo in for a while now... if you don't know who they are, please take time to search them up and listen to their songs (they're touring with pentatonix oml) but here is a little bitty chapter for your entertainment!! :-)

Carissa: Scottyyyyy

Carissa: Scottyyyy buckketttssssss

Scott: yes babe

Carissa: happy 2,000,000 subs babe!!! So happy for you and mitchy!!!

Scott: TYSM

Carissa: sure thing scotty boy

Scott: can i ask you a favor

Carissa: no

Scott: PLES

Carissa: no

Scott: PLES

Carissa: ok fine

Scott: can i please have michael

Scott: I promise I won't touch him

Carissa: ok will send him over

Scott: thanks Hun!!!

*Carissa Alvarado added Michael Alvarado to be groupchat*

Carissa: babe

Michael: yes babe

Scott: hi michael babes!!!

Michael: hi

Carissa: can you go to scotts


Carissa: geez boi chill down

Scott: mitch is more important

Carissa: yes I know

Carissa: my husband is irrelevant

Scott: thank you

Scott: you know what

Scott: when he cries the whole world goes into red alert

Carissa: ik Scott

Scott: ok good everyone needs to know that about my mitchy

Michael: 🙄

Scott: fight me hoe

Michael: my wife is hotter

Carissa: 😙💕❤️

Scott: 🙄

Scott: don't come over michael

Scott: mitchy is lyf

Carissa: rude

Scott: ajhwhfnsnwnnn

Scott: fite me

*Carissa Alvarado added Mitch Grassi to the chat*

Carissa: babes

Mitch: hello hon

Carissa: am i pretty

Mitch: yes you are vv pretty

Mitch: u r HOT


Scott: im crying

Mitch: it's not about YOU scott im talking to carissa u irrelevant noodle

*Scott Hoying went into an emotional state and is not talking to anyone at the moment*

Mitch: ok

Mitch: he's gone

Mitch: why did u add me again

Carissa: loooong story

Carissa: ask ur new fiancée 💕

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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