Ch.21-Like Falling Off a Cliff

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I was depressed.

And not the horrible, self-deprecating kind. Just the glum, hollow, meaningless variety. It was terribly dismal and disorienting, as I'd usually been able to keep a good grasp on myself, even through the worst of times.

But this . . .

This was hell.


I moaned, rolling over in my bed and shoving my pillow over my head.

"Lily, you've been in there for three days. I think you need to come out."

"Go away!" called out, furrowing deeper into the safe refuge of my bed. "I still have crackers left, I'll survive."

"I'm worried about you, honey."

"Don't be."

"You're my granddaughter. And it's lonely eating by myself at the table."

"Then talk to yourself."

I heard his chuckle, and it caused me to crack a smile of my own. "As intriguing as that sounds, I'm not quite ready to go crazy yet."

I sighed loudly, crawling out of my bed. My foot caught on the blankets at the last moment, though, and sent me crashing to the floor. I groaned in pain, taking that as a sign I wasn't yet supposed to emerge into the world yet.

"Lily? Are you okay?"

"No," I lamented. "I'm dying, Grandpa. This is it for me. I wish you well."

The door opened and he stood there, a mug of coffee in his hands as he regarded me amusedly. "You seem quite alright to me."


"Come now," he said, setting his coffee on my desk and helping me to my feet. "You've been wearing these clothes for three days. Don't you want a shower?"

I sniffed myself and nearly gagged. "That might be a good idea."

"I thought so."

I blew limp hair out of my face, trudging out the door. "Did you make breakfast?" I asked hopefully, almost feeling like a small child.

"I can make some," he smiled, ruffling my hair. "Bacon and eggs. How about that? It'll be ready when you get out of the shower."

I nodded. "Okay."

"See you in a bit," he said, and made his way down the stairs. I entered the bathroom and turned on the shower. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and cringed. Yuck. My hair was in limp straggles around my face. My shorts and shirt was stained and wrinkled, and I stunk to high heaven. Definitely one of the lower points I've hit in my life.

I took a nice long shower, thoroughly rinsing myself off and using the best smelling shower gel I could find. When I stepped out, I pulled on a pair of jeans and a tank top, leaving my hair to air dry around my shoulders.

"I smell breakfast," I stated, striding into the kitchen. A plate of bacon and eggs was on the table, and my grandfather sat there waiting for me. I pulled out a chair and joined him, filling my plate. I ate, focusing hard on my food to keep my mind from wandering elsewhere, but it didn't really work. Especially when my grandfather decided to talk about it.

"Alec's been away for three days," was what he said. I felt my shoulders tense, grip tightening around the fork in my hand.

"I know," I choked out in reply. "Kind of obvious. There hasn't been any arguing."

"You're upset."

I shoved a forkful of eggs into my mouth. "No I'm not," I garbled around the mouthful.

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