Author's Note

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  • Dedicated to You Crazy People :D

First of all, like always, thank you ALL OF YOU for voting and commenting and fanning and reading, and just being awesome! i really appreciate all the support, you guys truly are the best :D

ALSO, I feel the need to tell you the time frame of the books, so it makes sense. "What Was" takes place during the four-year period of "Blurred", while Alec is away and Lily is in college in North Carolina. "Hush" will take place after the fact, with significant roles from Lily and Alec, so you will see them again :)

I think that's about it. As you probably realized, this book dealt with mental illness and severe familial issues, and the message was to be portrayed differently to everybody, however you interpreted the various relationships in the book. Sorry if this note seems wierd, it's absurdly late and I watned to get it up and put that little green tick next to "Blurred". 

ANYWAY, that should do it. Thanks for reading all the way down here, for those of you who did. If you have any questions or comments or suggestions, just message me. I love those and I ALWAYS reply back to coherent and intelligent messages, in the best way that I can. I love you all, and keep doing what you do! :D


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