Seeing them

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You ready to leave?"Percy asked.

"Yeah."I replied

"Ok then let's go." He said back.

We then got into his car and drove off.

At the hospital

I checked at the front desk while Percy was parking the car.

"Hey."I heard from behinds me. It was Percy but he looked dirty and red.

"What in Hades happened to you?"I asked.

"Ok so I park in an empty parking spot on an empty row when this idiot comes up in a car right next to us and I didn't notice so when I tried to walk out I accidentally grazed his car with the door. So I apologize. But does he accept my apology and move on like a normal person. No. He decides to start kicking off saying that I could have took his car door off and that if the paint job was damaged he would sue me for vandalism. So step out the car to be greeted with a nice hard and hell knock on my chest so I go flying back in to a small patch of wet and muddy grass." He ranted.

"Annabeth Chase!" The nurse called from the doorway of the waiting room. Me and Percy turned our heads and looked at the nurse who had called my name.

"I can wait out here if you want." Percy said at barley a whisper.

"Your coming seaweed brain its your baby as well." I said and grabbed his handHello. My name is Dr Loronzo and I will be your Dr through out your pregnancy." The Dr said as I sat down on the bed with Percy next to me holding my hand.

"Hi I'm Annabeth." I said quietly.

"And I'm Percy."

"Ok. It's nice to meet you. So you are here for a scan?" She questioned skeptically looking at her clipboard.

"Yes." I said. She the left the room for 5 minutes before coming back with a machine which I guessed was the scan machine.

"Ok then. This will be a bit cold and might tickle but please try to keep still as the scan comes out clearer that way." The Dr advised before putting a blue gel on my stomach followed by the wand. Almost instantly an image appeared on the screen reviling 3 humans inside of me. Wait. 3! TRIPLETS!!

"Ok all 3 babies seem healthy." She said warmly as Percy gripped my hand tighter with a smile from ear to ear plastered on his face at the mention of 3 human beings inside of me that belonged to him.

"Thank you." He finally said through his smile.

"No problem. And if you have any troubles or concerns you know where to find me." She said wiping the gel off my stomach.

Percy's apartment.

"Mom! We're back!" Percy called as we walked through his apartment door. A few seconds later a very red Sally ran down the stairs with a massive smile on her face.

"How is my first grandchild? Is he or she healthy?" She said quite out of breath.

"All of them are fine." I said in response.

"Twins!?" Sally asked in pure disbelief.

"More along the lines of triplets." Percy said though the smile still on his face that was calming down but grew when he said 'triplets'.

"Oh gods this is amazing!" Sally squealed.

"Mommy? Why are you shouting?" Sarah (Percy's little sister) asked coming out of her room with a teddy in her hand. She must have woken up from her nap.

"Hi Sarah." I said smiling at how cute she looked. She was 4 years old and just started preschool.

"Sarah. Do you want to know something." Sally asked with a smirk on her face.

"What is it? Am I in trouble?" Sarah asked.

"Your going to be an auntie." Percy said kneeling down to her level.

"What dose that mean?" Sarah asked confused.

"That means that Annabeth has babies in her-"

"Babies?" Paul repeated on the stairs. No one noticed he was there until now he must have followed Sally down. Or have been woken up be Sally screaming which is baffling how he didn't catch on earlier.

"Yeah Paul were having triplets." I said slightly concerned of what he might say.

"Oh. Do you have a picture?" Paul said with a wisp of a smile on his face..

"Oh yeah do you?" Sally asked like Sarah on sugar

"Yeah we have 5. One for us, One for you two , One for Annabeths parents and One each for our Olympian parents." Percy said as I took the pictures out of my jacket pocket and handed Sally one while Paul made his what down the rest of the stairs.

"Oh my gods!" Sally screamed looking at the scan.

"Congratulations." Paul said patting Percy on the back with a smile on his face.

"They go right here." Sally said taking the picture over to the fridge and putting it in the middle like parents do with there kids work. Which they basically were.

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