Moving out

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Ok so me and Percy slept for all of 2 hours last night because Zoë was getting extremely fussy which then set off the other two and Percy then decided to have some coffee to help him stay up. It helped him stay up for the rest of the night. Not fun for me.

Anyway now it's about 5am and there is no chance of either of us falling asleep so we are just tangled in each others arms watching a movie with the babies in the Moses baskets that we had to move from downstairs and put in our room so we could get to them faster.

"Percy. Can I stay in here with you?" A small voice asked from the door.

Me and Percy looked up and saw Sarah in the doorway with a teddy in her hand.

"What's the matter?" Percy asked and got up to make his way over to her.

"I had a bad dream but it was where you Annabeth and Zoë and Silena and Charlie left. I wanted to stay with you." Percy picked Sarah up and carried her on his hip over to where I was sat.

He put her down on the bed where she snuggled up to me. Me and Percy both wrapped our arms around her.

"I don't want to move." She said. Me and Percy looked at each other guiltily.

"It's ok baby. You can still see us almost every day." Percy said hugging Sarah closer to him.

"Yay." She said which me and Percy chuckled at.

We stayed like that for about 20 minutes but then Paul came in.

"Do yo- never mind. I was going ask if you knew where Sarah was but I guess she's here. Also you two have to get up now." Me and Percy groaned at Pauls words but got up anyway.

"Do we leave them here?" I asked Percy as he was about to leave the room.

"Yes they aren't crying." He said and walked out. I followed behind missing the soft weight in my arms that I was so youst to at this time of the morning.

"So what are we doing first?" Percy asked as we walked into Paul and Sally's room that was filled with all of their stuff.

"Pack Sarah's stuff please but if you need to stop then we can carry on." Sally said handing us both a bunch of boxes and we made our way to the pink fluffiness that was Sarah Blofis' room.

~1 hour later~

Me and Percy were about halfway through when we heard one of our children cry and ran to take care of them before the others woke.

When we got there Charlie was screaming at the top of his lungs and Zoë and Silena were on the verge of crying so I picked Charlie up and took him to the nursery while Percy took the girls downstairs.

"What's the matter?" I asked my red faced son.

I pulled him close to my chest and kissed his forehead.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him as I lifted up my top and held him close but he refused. I then changed his diaper but that still didn't help him calm down.

I started to panic thinking that he was hurt but all of my thoughts we put at bay when I placed him in his crib because I started to shake.

"He just wanted his crib then?" A voice said from the doorway. I looked and there was Percy looking at Charlie who was now calm.

"I guess." I sighed and Percy made his way over to me. "I can't do this. There's three of them and two of us. One cries then the other two go. I can't feed all three at once. They all need something different and we don't know what to do." I cried into his shoulder. He pulled me as close to him as possible and kissed my with so much passion I thought Aphrodite would explode but alas he pulled away.

"You are a great mother. Ok we are out numbered but we try and soon it will be easier. As long as we try the triplets will love us ok. When they're older it will be easier and I'm sorry. If I had used a condom then we wouldn't be here but think about the payoff. Watching all of our hard work graduate and maybe start a family of their own." Percy's words soothed me but all I could do was kiss him again. "Shall we go downstairs?" He asked and took my hand leading me out of the nursery but Charlie started crying as soon as he couldn't see me.

"You are so your fathers child." I said as I picked up Charlie who immediately relaxed when in my arms.

"I'm so proud of you." Percy whispered as we made our way downstairs.

"I'm also proud at the fact that you didn't faint when they were born and that you calmed me down whenever I was getting flustered or angry or super sad. I love you."

"Love you too Wise Girl." Percy said kissing my head.

"Do you two want breakfast?" Sally asked walking out from the kitchen with two massive stacks of blue pancakes drowning in maple syrup.

"Yeah thanks but what's Annabeth going to have?" Percy said as he took both plates out of Sally's hands. "Just kidding Wise Girl, here you go." He passed one of the plated to me.

~4 hours later~  

"Well this is it. I leave my big baby to fend for himself and his kids. Wow, i never thought i wold say that a year ago. Please visit." Sally said as she pulled me and Percy into a tight hug.

"Mom you literally live downstairs and who else is going to cook and do our laundry? I'm just kidding. I love you mom." Percy said. 

"Bye Sally. Thank you for everything you've done for us." I said and hugged her again. "Are you saying goodbye to grandma?" I held up Charlie who i have had to hold for the past 4 hours. 

"Bye bye babies." Sally said and kissed all of the triplets on their heads.

Once all of the goodbyes were said and hugs were hugged Paul picked up Sarah and carried her and some of their stuff out while Sally got the rest of it. Then it was me and Percy alone with 3 sleeping babies. 

"Let's all go to bed. We have school tomorrow." Percy said.

After that we put the babies to bed them went to bed ourselves.

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