Telling camp

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"You ready?" Percy asked.

Today is the day we tell the whole of camp half-blood and the important people from camp Jupiter about the triplets. I have a scan in my hand right now just staring.

"Wise Girl?"

"Oh. Yeah I'm ready." With that we intertwined our fingers and left Poseidon's cabin. He (Poseidon) said that I could stay in his cabin to make it easier on us.

"Let's go then."

We walked out of the cabin and was facing with many questioning glances. As we made our way to the dinning pavilion even more people gathered around.

"What did you need to talk to us about?" Leo asks from the crowd.

"Well, before we say we would like to say that we have already made our final decision on the matter and if anyone says anything bad towards either of us or our decision then you will be severely punished." Percy said with leadership.  "Annabeth and I are going to be parents." He says.

The whole crowd is silent until,

"WOO HOO! Another small person to prank!" Leo screamed breaking the silence.

"Absolutely not! And it's not one, it's three." I said making the crowd once again so awe struck.

"Congratulations. I wish you both well and be sure that you visit. I assume that you already have every thing planed out?" Chiron speculated (this is the biggest word I've used all week) and looked at Annabeth.

"Yes. We decided that I will live at camp and Percy will visit as much as possible so he can carry on his studies and I will carry on online." She explained.

Gods I love her ideas and well everything about her.

"Jackson start running!" Someone yelled. I looked in the direction of the voice and saw about 10 kids trying to hold Annabeth's eldest brother back.

"Oh styx." I muttered and ran like my life depended on it. Hades. IT PROBABLY DID!

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