Chapter 2

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Clarke was tracing the tattoo on Lexa’s upper arm as the brunette laid with her back facing her. She smiled to herself and let the silence go on for a few more minutes before finally speaking. “They should be here soon enough. We need to get up before-,”

              “Shhh.” Lexa was content to just stay in bed with Clarke for the rest of the day. She wanted to enjoy every moment she had with the other girl.

              Clarke smiled and moved her finger to the tattoo on Lexa’s back; tracing it slowly as she let the brunette have more time with them like this. “You know you’re the reason we have moments like these? We can remain here without a care in the world because you brought us peace.”

              Lexa smiled and turned onto her back to look at Clarke. “We brought them peace. The credit is not solely mine. You were right, Clarke. Life should be about more than just surviving. We have earned this moment and many more.”

              “My mom thinks I’m returning to Arkadia. She mentioned it in our last radio conversation. I don’t want everyone to think I’m abandoning them again.”

              “You had plenty of times to turn your back on them. You stuck with them and now here we are,” Lexa pointed out. “It is time for you to think about what you want. Put yourself first, Clarke. Do you want to go to Arkadia?”

              “Polis is my home,” Clarke answered.

              Lexa smiled. “Good. Now can we talk about something else?” Lexa didn’t like the idea of Clarke leaving her side; it put an ache in her chest.

              Clarke smiled, mischievously. “We don’t have to talk at all.” Lexa smiled and moved to kiss Clarke, putting any thought, other than the beauty beneath her, out of her head.

              Clarke was sitting on Lexa’s bed, sketching the sleeping brunette. They had gotten up long enough to get dressed but as they cuddled in bed, Lexa had fallen asleep. Clarke loved sketching Lexa when she looked as peaceful as she did now. Once the sketch was complete, Clarke looked it over with a smile before getting up to set it in her folder with the rest of her sketches.

              There was a knock at the door and Lexa stirred but Clarke quickly went over to her. “Rest,” she said, gently before placing a kiss on Lexa’s temple. Clarke made her way to the door and opened it, slipping out before Titus could walk in.

              Titus took a step back and looked at Clarke as if he was already bored with the conversation they hadn’t started yet. “Where is Lexa?”

              “She’s taking a nap,” Clarke said with a hint of a smile. “Let her rest. She’s earned it.” There was a double-meaning there that Clarke was sure Titus caught on to. She loved messing with the man. He made it too easy. “What do you need?”

              “The Skaikru guests have arrived,” Titus answered.  

              “Take me to them, please.” Clarke was excited to see her mom and friends. It had been two months since Pike had been taken down as leader and Kane had taken over. Skaikru had been accepted back into the coalition and Clarke had returned to Polis—to Lexa.

              Titus simply stared at Clarke and she knew that he probably hated having to take any type of order from her.

              Clarke sighed. “You know Lexa said you had to start listening to me.”

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