0.8 || TEXTING

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Okay, I don't know about you guys, but when I text my friends I tend to use proper grammar and punctuation.

So why are there all these group messages for Teen Wolf and stuff where the characters don't even capitalize their I's? Not everyone texts like a three-year-old

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So why are there all these group messages for Teen Wolf and stuff where the characters don't even capitalize their I's? Not everyone texts like a three-year-old.

Don't get me wrong. I love these types of fanfictions, when we use proper grammar. But still in every one I've seen, they don't seem to capitalize at all.

Like nada.

Now, I use abbreviations with my friends. We even make abbreviations with each other, but not every word is an abbreviation.

So please stop using abbreviations every other word and USE CORRECT CAPITALIZATION.

Because you know, we've kind of been capitalizing our letters since first grade.

And I'm probably not the only one this bothers. Because I love reading fanfictions but it's hard to find a good one anymore these days.


Because you don't want to be like this...

guyyysss i just gut bck from da movie theatrrrr. omg. lol. tmi?!

i luv scoot mccoot!

That hurt my head and probably hurt everyone else's. My idiotic brother has better writing skills than this. And he doesn't do anything but play video games all day.

So unless we're in first grade...

Why are we writing like this, sweetie?


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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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