Soul Wakes Up Late

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Soul slept quietly near the edge of his bed, exhausted from the night before. It had been a long night hunting a demon.

Shockingly he and Maka had been given the wrong location and it had been up to them to track the beast's actual location.

He left the tracking to Maka, and unfortunately she got the location wrong once again.

"Quit wasting time, Maka! Im tired and hungry. You gotta keep up with a cool partner like me, you can't be lame and mess up the job!" Soul had said to her.

"Maybe If you'd stop pretending to be too-cool to help, we would've been done by now!" Maka replied back to him. But Soul knew she was just shouting to cover up her hurt feelings.

They were both having an off day. Soul didn't mean to be hurt her but he was just so stressed out and took it out on her.

Only on their third attempt were they able to complete their mission.

Soul turned over and fell out of bed. He hit the floor hard and head first. "Damn it!" Soul said as he rubbed the back of his head.

He stood up and looked at the clock and realized that Maka didn't bother to wake him up this morning.

"She's probably still mad about yesterday.." Soul said. "Jeez, I didn't even mean it! And now I'm gonna be late, this is so uncool."

Soul got ready as fast as he could and went off to class. Surprisingly he got there just as the bell went off.

He went to his seat and looked around. Maka's seat was empty. Just as Soul was about to get up to look for her he heard an obnoxious voice call out:

"Heya! Watcha lookin' around for Soul? Because if its for the almighty Blackstar I'm right here!" Blackstar called out.

Soul walked over to Blackstar and sighed, "I wasn't looking for you, idiot. I could sense your ego a mile away."

"Hahaha!" Blackstar laughed, patting Soul on the back. "Good one, Bro! But I know you're always glad to see me!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Soul said. He leaned over Blackstar to where Tsubaki was sitting next to him.

"Hey, Tsubaki" he said.

"Hi Soul! How're you doing?" she asked him.

"Im fine, thanks. Have you seen Maka today?"

"No, I haven't! Im sure she'll be here soon, its unusual for her to be late."

"Yeah, tell me about it. She left before me and she's still not-"

"Attention students. Take your seats, Class has begun." Professor Stein interrupted, in his calm disinterested voice.

Everyone, including Soul, took their seats and directed their attention to their teacher.

"Today I'd like you guys to practice Meister-Weapon communication" said Professor Stein. "I need to see you both working together as one. Then I will call each one of you up to the front of the class to demonstrate your battle skills."

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