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He watched the red head's body from afar his face covered by his hat and the darkness that flooded the alleys, more mightily than the common night.
She looked beautiful, ethereal even. The crimson swirling around her, her clothes and the pavement. Her insides neatly lay open for the stars to gaze at; at least the worthless ones he couldn't keep.
He felt the bag in his hand emit a glow, a warm glow or maybe it was just the contentment he felt pouring from all his pores.
He had saved her. He was a hero; saving her from the wretched life of being a whore. Being scum, used and tarnished by the villainous men for the sake of a few pennies. No more of that.
She was safe now. And the being that was her would be glorified and remembered in earnest awe in his display. These parts of her in this bag would be cherished and adored more than the crown jewels themselves.
Slipping from his reverie, he smiled turned and walked away. Clutched firmly in his hand, the bag and bursting forth from his heart,great joy.
No more for you Becky, no sister of mine will be a slut...

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