Myung-Soo's Villa

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Myung-Soo  took Jun and Mia home while Miki brought Diana to eat ice cream.

Miki: Here eat this, you will feel better.

Diana: You still remember that I like vanilla...

Miki: Of course... How can I forget about my sister's favorite. 😆 Remember whenever you would have a bad day, we would eat ice cream like that... I wish we could go back in those days where we were having before...

Diana: Before the interference of my mom in our lives.

Miki nodded.

Diana: It's kinda late, we shall get going now. Let me drive.

Miki: Ok. Here the keys.

Everyone was waiting for them. They were worried about Diana. But they were a little assured that Miki was with her.

A little later,  Miki entered the house with her sister.

Miki: Guess everyone is asleep, let's sleep too ☻

Diana: Good night .

Miki : night

when they arrived in front of Diana's room , she hugged Miki and whispered: Thanks you for everything lil sis and then run into her room.

Miki smiled: Still crazy as ever.

The next morning

Everyone was taking breakfast and Miki joined them.

Myung-Soo: Everyone pack their bag, we will be spending the holidays at my villa.

Jun: Yaay, it is has been a long time since I get to spend my holidays with you. This time it will be more fun as there is everyone.

Miki: Can I not come?

Everyone looked at her.

Myung-Soo: Your reason for not coming is?

Miki: eummm... I have already my holidays plan?

Diana: What is that? I know you , you will only read books and do your part time job . Is this your 'holidays plan'.

Miki: No I have a 'real plan'.

Jun: You don't have any. I don't want to hear anything , you are coming with us.

Jun put a toast in Miki's mouth.

Jun: Eat this and when you are done let's do our bag.

Jiyoung entered the house and went directly into the dinning room where they were having breakfast.

Mia: Woah don't barge into other people house as if it is yours.

Jiyoung: Sorry but Miki was not picking up her phone so I came to check if she is fine. Where is your phone?

Miki start search her phone and while eating she said: Mabou ai loft ot in moh rum.

Jiyoung: Don't talk while you eat I cant understand anything.

He took a bite of Miki's toast from her mouth.

Miki's eyes were big and everyone was looking at him.

Miki gulped quickly and then said: I told you to stop do that, there are more toast on the table .

Jiyoung: You are sweet so the toast became sweeter.

Miki: yaaaaayyy... stop with your cheesy lines.

Diana: Are you guys dating?

Miki and Jiyoung: No/Yes

Miki: We are not!

Jiyoung: arrrggg it hurts, You broke my heart . By the way Miki it has cancelled due to some technical problems so the holidays plan is cancelled . We will have to look for another thing to do during holidays.

Miki: Ohh I was so excited for it.

Mia: What is it about ?

Jiyoun : We plan to do skating but due to some technical problem they have cancel all the activities.

Jun: Oh you really had a plan.

Diana: Are you guys sure you are not dating. I mean you were to spent holidays together.

Jun: Since it is cancelled Miki is coming with us to our villa... yaay we will spend our holidays together. Hey Jiyoun hyung why  don't you come with us too it will be more fun. The more we are the more fun it will be right brother.

Myung-Soo nodded only.

Jiyoung went home to prepare his bag.

While everyone was packing their bag, Miki went into Kim's room. She knocked .

Myung-Soo: Come in

Myung-Soo was almost done with his bag .

Miki: Eumm ...

Myung-Soo : If you have something to say then say it stop standing like a statue.

Miki: Are you comfortable that Jiyoung is coming too?

Myung-Soo: If I had any problem with him I would have already say it.

Miki: But you were even quiet when we were eating breakfast. So I...

Myung-Soo looked at her and came closer to her , Miki stepped back until she felt a cold wall touched her back. she looked into  his eyes.

Miki thought: Woah he is really handsome.

Myung-Soo: Are you sure you are not his girlfriend because how I see it, you guys seemed close, really close.

Miki: I would rather have you this close to me than him.

Myung-Soo smirked at her : Really!

Realisation hit Miki about she just said: huh.. ohh I meant to say no we are not dating  ... We are only friends. I will go I forget to pack something...

She ran towards her room.

Miki: Woaaahh am such a fool . All these crazy feelings are making me crazy... arrrrgggg... that Jiyoung. He is creating misunderstanding everywhere.

After 1 1/2 hour everyone was downstairs putting their bags in the trunk of the car and they sat inside. Miki sat between Jiyoung and Myung-Soo. Mia was determined to make Miki's become Kim's girlfriend and on the other side Diana was planning on making Miki becomes Jiyoun's girlfriend. What Miki actually wanted no one knew.

After a long time , they finally arrived at their destination . In front of them was a fabulous  villa. One thing was confirmed , Kim was really rich.

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