Truth or Dare

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Arriving to the villa, every one took out their own luggage, Myung-Soo helped Mia with hers and Jiyoung helped Miki and for Dia, butler Louise was there. Myung-Soo showed them their respective rooms and Miki's room was beside his.

Myung-Soo: Miki!

Miki: yeah?

Myung-Soo: Eumm... If you need something , just let me know ok?

Miki: yeah!

Both went in their rooms, they all freshen up and came down for dinner. They all dressed up nicely to eat dinner outside. All of the time Miki stayed with Jiyoung, Myung-Soo was pissed off, It could clearly be seen on his face. When they were done, Myung-Soo went to the beach. The rest went home.

Mia: Miki!

Miki: Yeah?

Mia: hey can you just bring him back, it's cold and he did not even take a sweater with him, please.

Miki: Can't someone else bring him? Why me?

Mia: Just go!

Miki: OK!

Miki was searching for him and finally found him looking at the moon. She approached him and as soon as he sense a presence , he looked beside found Miki looking at him.

Myung-Soo: What are you doing here?

Miki: I did not came here on my own. I was forced to come here.

Myung-Soo: Return to the villa, it's cold.

Miki: I know, your girlfriend told to bring you back home cause it's cold.

Myung-Soo: Who? Mia?

Miki: Obviously!

Myung-Soo: Should I remind you that we already broke up.

Miki: Yeah , Whatever just come back , am heading back too.

Myung-Soo: Why are u always angry with me?

Miki: Really? You don't know the reason.

Myung-Soo: No I don't! Tell me clearly!

Miki: What will you do knowing the reason huh... It does not matter now. It is not that we are going to stay with each other forever.

Myung-Soo: It DOES matter to ME!

Miki: When was the LAST TIME YOU treated me like HUMAN, huh?

Myung-Soo: What do yo--

Miki: Avoid ! Am heading back ... I don't want your clarification.

Myung-Soo: Miki wait!... Arrggghh I am sorry! waiiittt

Myung-Soo started running after her and gave her a back hug. Miki was trying to break free form the hug but she was not giving up.

Miki: Let go!

Myung-Soo: I won't... Listen to what I have to say.

Miki: Okay!  I will listen,  now remove your arms. It's really uncomfortable.

Once Myung-soo removed his arms. Miki create a little distance among them.

Miki: Go ahead. I am all ears.

Myung-Soo : I am sorry...  I am really sorry for all the bad things you had to go through because of me.  I know you I blamed you for something you did not do.  It was Mia and Diana fault. 

Miki expression soften: Ohh..  it's okay.

Myung-Soo: I don't know why they did that.  Even though you did not seem like a threat to them.
Miki: Maybe they only followed your steps of bullying me.

Myung-Soo: Okay I already aplogize for everything.  Come let's go back.

Miki: yeah, It's so cold here.

Arriving at the villa, they saw Mia setting up everyone beds in the hall.

Looking confused Miki asked what is it all about. Mia explain about the game truth or dare and no one should deny to play. For the bed everyone will sleep in hall. Both Miki and Myung-soo went to change their clothes and came come in their pajamas. When everyone was settle. The game started.

First round : the bottle pointed Jiyoung.
He choose the truth. Mia asked her the question.
Mia : Is your crush present in this room?
Jiyoung looking down nodded.
Everyone thinks to understand that he was talking about Miki as they all were looking at her. Miki looked down too.

2nd round: The bottle pin Miki. She chose truth too.
Myung-Soo asked  : What do you want to do at this moment.
Miki said with a stoned face: Leave this place!

Everyone looked at her . But she had no reaction and before they asked her anything, She left and went in her room.

The mood was off, they ended the game and they sleep in the hall itself except for Miki.

Later on Miki thought she was a bit too rude with them. So she decided to prepare breakfast for them. She woke up a early and saw everyone sleeping in the hall. With the help of the butler, she prepared a nice breakfast for everyone and wait everyone to wake up.
When everyone woke up, they looked at her with surprise eyes.
Miki: I know I was rude yesterday. All this is to make up for yesterday. Hope you guys like it.

They all dig in. She smiled knowing they are enjoying the breakfast.
Then she suggested to go to the beach, they agreed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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