Greek one shot-Translate

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So here is the English translate that I promised you for my Starnerve-Greek one shot! Since I reached 5 votes on that chapter...Sorry for being extremely slow at posting it...But here you go:

Riley was asleep earlier than usual,so peace and tranquility ruled over HQ. Nothing could break the silence except the sound effects from her dream.

Tonight,Joy was on dream duty. She was watching the dream,inebriated by its plot. To be honest,it wasn't something special but in her eyes,it took another form. In the monitor,Riley was shown with her new friends,dancing in a party together.

A big smile appeared on her lips as she watched their girl have fun. She was growing up and her dreams were different,but Joy loved her whatever happened. Riley would turn 13 soon so every single one of her dreams had to do with parties and dance.

The dream got too monotone,causing Joy to be about to sleep. But as she was messed up in her thoughts,she was still energetic. From the day Disgust pressed the puberty button,the emotions (and also Riley),were in a different logic. Not so childish and naive...Playing wasn't the center of their lives. And then argues,crying and worries were often over her,making Joy feel useless and worthless,when she didn't had a chance to control her.

In the monitor the same things were played over and over. Dancing,party and music. Joy got up and headed to the monitor who lit the whole room.
Calmly she touched it,as she looked Riley having fun.

Spontaneously she heard slight steps behind her. She turned back but no one was there. She sighed going back to her sit,watching the dream again,till two hands closed her eyes.

"Guess who?" asked her a familiar voice.

She laughed and guessed:"Fear?"

She opened her eyes and Fear appeared behind her,smiling.

"I wanted to take revenge for the thousand times you done that to me." he exclaimed with a funny expression.

Joy couldn't help but burst into laughter."You are incorrigible" she joked."Why are you awake so late?"

"Well...I couldn't sleep"

"Would you like to stay for companionship? You know,it's extremely boring to see the same dream alone" she asked him sweetly.

"O-of course! Why not?" he replied shyly.

An awkward silence was ruling between the two emotions,as they watched the dream abstracted. Joy broke the silence when she spoke playfully:"Come...Do you wanna dance with the dream's music?"

Fear felt his breath heavier and his heart beating like crazy! He would dance with Joy? The one who was perfect in so many things-also in dance-would dance with him,who could hurt her just with a wrong dancing move?

"I-I can't Joy! It can't happen" he yelled at her with a cracked voice.

Like she was trying to understand what he just shouted at her,she asked him technically and naively:"But why?"

"JOY,IT JUST CAN'T HAPPEN?"he took a deep breath and then continued"I'm scared Joy! I'm not a good dancer"

Joy sighed and looked at him into his eyes."I know how hard it is for you to don't be scared but you don't have to. I will help you if you need but...I trust you!" This last words messed him up. She trusted him?

"Okay"he said bravely giving her his hand. She grinned at him and then finding the rhythm she promoted him to dance. Doing an impressive twirl,Joy came back to his hug! Fear with a sure smile helped her do a dancing move and then,holding her hands,he continued,without being nervous anymore to dance to the rhythm. At the end,when the song began to be slow and calm,he twirled her sweetly and hugged her tightly. "Thanks" he whispered.

"For what reason?"

"Because you made me dance...and I guess to live a little-as you tell me-! To have fun without being nervous if something bad happens. It's the first time that it happens to me! And I owe that to you! You're truly special Joy...and you always make me happy"

Joy's eyes were filled with tears. Not tears of sadness but indescribable joyful ones! She hugged him and calmly whispered:"I love you. I always loved you and I will always do!" She did it by saying the hardest words and he was the one who helped her!

Fear stayed silent,without talking...Then making a hard step for their relationship,he brought his face closer to hers and their lips met.

Joy was confused and withdrew but before she could leave he held her hand. "I love you too"! A big smile was formed in her lips again ,as she hugged him! "I can't believe it,Fear thought the same moment,I did it. I told her how I feel and best of all? She loves me back! From now on I will have someone to share my feelings!

                        The end

Writer's note✍🏻:
Thanks for reading my translated Starnerve one shot. Before you ask,yes,I translated it myself. Not with Google. Hope you enjoyed it and see you late!!!👋

My book of random!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz