Book 4⌇21. Perspective

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Chapter 21 ∣  Perspective


Waking with the worse headache I'd ever had, I rub the back of my head, sitting up from where I fell.

But it isn't where I had fallen at all.

Fear clutches at my heart, swinging my head back and forth, trying to take in my surroundings. Again, my head throbs from this simple action, but I finally get a clear picture.

I'm not in my family's mansion.

I'm in my room.

In fact, I don't know where I am...

"Maverick?" Tamsin's voice is quiet, but it jolts me, my eyes finding her blue ones as she sits across from me on a couch. Glancing down, I realize I am also on a couch like hers, a deep maroon blanket had been draped over my lower body. In my confusion, it slid down my legs and pooled on the floor in a small pile.

Tamsin is sitting cross-legged with a book in her hands, her dirty blonde hair is tied up in a pony-tail. She is wearing simple black shorts and a pink tank top; her feet are bare. Once I focus, my head stops hurting, the pain slowly diminishing.

"Ta-Tamsin..." I ask her, continuing to figure out exactly where we are, "...where are we?"

Her smile is small, and she appears to be distracted. Before she can say a word, I hear something, or someone, coming from the room right next to this living space.

It hits me like a train, every memory flooding back to me all at once when my eyes lock with his emerald ones. Killian walks into the room, his dark clothing matching his ebony hair, the fear rising within me when I recall he had been the one to knock me out.


He moves further into the room, sitting on the chair near a fireplace. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he lets out a heavy sigh. I can't read him and that throws me off, especially when he remains silent, just looking from his daughter and then back at me.

"When-..." my words trail off, choosing my question carefully because my world had come crashing down around me. I'm not even sure if I will be alive for much longer, considering the events that led up to Killian acting against me.

"What's going on?" I asked, Killian, but he still was quiet, giving me a sideways glance when Tamsin closed her book, the silence also bothering her.

Killian finally unfolds his arms and rests his elbows against his knees, leaning forward as he states, "Listen carefully because I'm only going to explain this once."

He has my full attention. The way he speaks, it is nothing like I've ever seen from him before. He is dead serious, and it makes my heart pound harder when a small tear escapes from Tamsin's right eye, trying to brush it away before I can see it.

"You attempted to kill your father. He is not only your father but your coven leader and the Vampire King. His authority is above everyone else. Seeing as how some of the other coven leaders witnessed your little display, they too will remember you lashing out against him and that he wanted you exiled from the coven and has disowned you as his son," Killian pauses as my eyes widen, trying to get a grasp on everything he is explaining.

"Maverick, you are a rogue vampire. You have gone against another of our race and no longer belong to a coven. Within the next year or so, your connection will slowly be cut off, the communication and bond you once had with the members, will dissolve. As of right now, you are not considered to be killed on sight because it has not been made public to the rest of the population," he sighs like this is some burden like I'm now his burden.

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