Book 4⌇25. You Did What?!

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Chapter 25 ∣  You Did What?!


Attempting to storm off, the two drinks that Colton had given me and the one to Veronica to loosen up the tension I held, backfire. My vision is slightly hazy, my focus not entirely sure if I am looking at three tunnels or six. I for one had thought we would have been attacked...killed...something other than what Maverick had been doing to Gwyn. Anger just continues to fuel me, my steps staggering as I shake my head, trying to sort out what is what around the darkish room with multicolored lights.

"Tamsin, stop!" Maverick's voice calls out to me...

...hearing Veronica state, "She's a lightweight."

I place one hand on my forehead while my right one plants itself on the nearby wall. My breathing is coming short as I close my eyelids, trying to push away the dizziness that starts to take root in me.

A hand touches my upper back, and I attempt to whirl around and punch whoever it is. Maverick catches my fist in his hand, his other arm wrapping around my back to steady me. He pulls me close to him, his wonderful scent of vanilla and cedar wood that I've grown so close to clouds my mind.

"Tamsin?" He asks, my cheek landing against his chest as I rest, realizing that closing my eyelids aren't making the dizziness any better. I hear his voice again as he asks, "Hey, are you okay?"

Veronica walks over with Colton and...Gwyn, the leader of these rogues placing her hands on her hips, "I told you, she's a lightweight, only two drinks to get her this tipsy."

"You gave her alcohol?!" Maverick is furious, but it had seemed like a good idea at the time. He wants me to do something outside my boundaries and I've never had a drink before.

Colton nods and arches a brow, "Yes, why wouldn't I offer a guest a drink?"

"She's twelve!" Maverick spits back, feeling the vibrations through his chest when he speaks.

"So?" Colton shrugs, "She's a vampire and rules don't apply like they normally do for humans. Besides, she's a rogue, what does it matter?"

Oh, don't say anything...please...

Maverick bites back the response I know he wants to throw at Colton. Instead, he sighs, "You're right then, it doesn't matter. But I think I'll be getting her home now."

"Sure, you don't want to spend the day?" Gwyn asks and I get angry again, my grip tightening on Maverick, "You're already here and she doesn't feel well."

Maverick shakes his head and kindly declines, "No, I think that it's best we leave."

"Suit yourself," Veronica shrugs and says, "you're always welcome...pureblood rogue." Gwyn winks at him and I hiss into his chest, Maverick releasing my hand and slowly placing it underneath the back of my legs. Lifting me into his arms, I turn my face toward his chest, not wanting to see who is looking at me for acting so stupid and childlike.

Without another word, he carries me from the loud and obnoxious room, the lights fading away. The tunnel around me is closing in, the darkness causing my heart to skip a beat. Breathing in sharply, we stop and slowly bring my eyes away from his chest, I take a glance up.

Maverick's hazel blue eyes peer down at mine, my cheeks flushed from not only the alcohol but from how I acted. Maverick doesn't belong to me, nor is he allowed to feed on me by my parents' rules. is the way he touched a vampire he just met and hardly knew, that just made me so angry.

I-I like Maverick...I can't ignore...but, I just don't know what to do. I can never be with him even if he wants to as well. He's a rogue and my parents will never allow it, regardless if we even were soulmates.

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