Book 4⌇36. Pierce My Heart

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Chapter 36 ∣  Pierce My Heart


Lost, hiding in the shadows is exactly what I do best.

Locaine...he surprised me, he lied to my father, protecting what I know. He could have easily turned in anger, flying into a rage and possibly killing him, after all, it would have been his great-grandchild. Though he showed such self-restraint and control, it was hard to judge if he was lying or not about seeing what happened.

Maverick descends from Locaine.

If his grandfather can control himself...I know he can as well, it will hopefully just be with time. Hopefully, what we are seeking out has nothing to do with him.

Zak leads the hunting party, feeling out of place among the hunters, but at the same time, they have absolutely no idea where I am. I honestly could have just run and hidden, but then I'll be in more trouble than it is worth.

When they slow, approaching the house, Rainier nears two bodies that have multiple stab wounds near the sidewalk. The blood had dried, pooling away from their bodies. Whoever had stabbed them, had made sure that there was no possible way they would live.

The killers are merciless as well...striking their hearts and saving them for last. Their deaths were as painful as possible...

Ryker catches sight of the open door to the large mansion, asking, "Is it possible they are still here?"

"They?" Zak arches a brow, "I'm not buying that this was a group of rogues..." he eyes the blood on the ground and then glances to the doorway, "I have my suspicions." Rainier's eyes meet Zak's nodding at what they silently confirm.

They think this is Maverick's doing.

He couldn't possibly have done this...

...could he?

Why would he?

Why would he even risk getting caught?

"Clover, stand guard out here, Tamsin will watch you," Zak orders, Clover drawing her Oneida and nocking an arrow. You know, because she totally doesn't trust someone, she can't see watching out for her.

Can't blame her.

Not that very fond of her myself.

Besides, if she is in any real danger, I'm sure her brother will just poof into her spot and take the beating for her. I still am amazed at how their twin ability works, never able to grasp exactly how they do it.

Zak draws his blades, both flipped backward and running up the length of his arms, while Rainier has both of his chain sickles coiled in his hands. With Ryker's scythe at the ready, they approach the building, edging with caution.

Once they go beyond the point at which I have a clear view of them, I sigh. I can smell the blood. There is so many mixed together it is quite difficult to distinguish who is who.

Though it is silent, Clover keeps her Oneida ready, glancing down the street and then back to the other end. I sit on the high tree branch just above her, my eyes drifting around in case there is obviously something she can't see.

If this was Maverick...

...and he is still being driven by whatever force to end lives, I wouldn't want to be in that mansion right now. He could still be around, in fact with how much he dislikes Zak, it wouldn't surprise me that he cleverly set this trap.

I am very wrong though when the three hunters exit the mansion, talking lightly among themselves.

"It had to be him," Zak is frustrated.

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