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It was just a month after their exhilarating adventure to Trenzalore in which, to Clara's relief, the Doctor had chosen to keep both his face and personality and was now renewed with a full cycle of regenerations. Since then, they'd taken several trips, all of which followed the same old routine: the Doctor picks her up and they go on some crazy, wild expedition before bringing her back home again. But this time, the Doctor had insisted on Clara staying with him in the TARDIS.

After a trip to the planet Yiforex (a wonderful planet, mind you. On it was the largest mined diamond in the universe which, of course, caused quite the quarrel. But no worries. Our TARDIS duo had fixed it just fine) Clara claimed to feel 'sick'. And since nobody would be at her flat to take care of his Clara, the least he could do was let her stay the night in a safe, cozy TARDIS.

The Doctor had hurried her off to bed the moment she'd told him, quickly bringing her a bowl of soup (which wasn't quite warm enough) and a cup of tea before she slowly fell asleep. He pulled the covers over her and kissed her forehead, knowing very well that wasn't actually sick after checking with the TARDIS. But nevertheless, he treated her as if she were.

She loved the attention she got from him. The special treatment and extra little kisses to her forehead and cheeks and how he made sure she was comfortable and tried his best to make human food for her and tucked her in and whispered 'good night' to her in his sweetest voice. She knew she was faking it and she figured there was a good chance he knew too, but she didn't think on it too much. Her attention was focused on cherishing every last moment of her little white lie. Taking in every kind gesture and sympathetic smile and gentle little peck. She adored it. And secretly, he did too. Her tired half-smiles and fakes sniffles and and content sighs. When she'd rub her eyes only to realize that she'd smudged her make-up, but she seemed too tired to care. When he'd watch her eyes close as she drifted off to sleep. His Clara, peacefully dreaming.

     But now it was morning and their forbidden fantasy had come to an end.

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