Black Smoke

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Hey guys!
Who here likes The Netherlands?
Well, if you like him, I have a surprise for you.


I already have the Cover done, and it's called black smoke:

I already have the Cover done, and it's called black smoke:

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:-) I spent a long while on it.
And that person with the black hair in the corner?
Yes, that is you reader.
Unlike other x Reader stories, you do not get to chose eye/hair colours.
I'm sorry.

But you can chose name, etc. Okay?

Anyways, the plot of the story is:

Tim, a Dutch male with spiky blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, quiet tall. He owned a smoke company, just like you, located in The Netherlands, under the name of,'Blue, White, and Dutch'.

Unlike you, your company was located in Belgium, under the name of,' Belgian Spirit'. You were also a tough, rough, strong, cool woman. Black haired and blue eyed, a black leather jacket and red scarf always seen on your body.

Although, You and Tim had started your companies up around the same time, only finding out about the other when the other got more famous.

That sparked your rivalry.

You had rivals since that day, treating each other with more and more threats each day.

Despite your differences, there were had in common.

Both of your companies were known world wide,
Both of you wore scarves everyday, a coat as well or some jacket
Both of you had blue eyes...
And both of you kept secrets.


So yeah! Keep an eye out for that :3

Hetalia Lemons Where stories live. Discover now