Please Come Back

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{Len's Pov}

I woke up and saw (y/n) resting cutely next to me. I sighed and got up walking to the shower. Thoughts flowed rapidly through my head. Thoughts like: 'if I live forever then how about (y/n)?' 'How does one become a demon?' 'How'd I become a demon?' 'Our kid's going to be half demon won't it?' 'All humans die right? Damn.' 'HOW DO YOU MAKE A HUMAN A GODDAMN DEMON?!!' 'Why'd I have to be a demon?...' I quickly looked up noticing that I was just standing there. I got in the shower and did what I went in there to do.

{(Y/n)'s Pov}

I stood up and stretched once I heard the shower go on. 'Must be Len' I thought to myself. I blushed remembering all of last nights occurrences. I rubbed my back feeling pain hit me. I then looked down at my stomach and gave a nervous smile. "It's still not official.." I said to myself quietly. I ran to my closet quickly realizing that I was nude. I was a little self conscious. I smirked and walked over to Len's closet.

I went in and searched through his clothes. There was a lot of white dress shirts, yellow ties, yellow vests, black gloves, and many black formal jackets with tails;fancy jackets to me. Very much designed to impress. There was also a lot of fancy black pants, and a cane that looked like it had a cute little cat face. "Why does he have this? He can still walk.." I whispered to myself. There was also many of his boxers, which I snatched fast. I quickly put them on and grabbed one of each of his clothing. You can probably guess what I did next.

{Len's Pov}

I got out of the shower and gently wiped myself dry. I grabbed one of my many white dress shirts that was stored in the bathroom. It's not weird. I put it on then reached for my pants while putting on my boxers. I put on my yellow tie and vest, then slipped on my socks. I then put on my shoes. I walked out while throwing the towel over my head.

I went into our bedroom and flopped onto our bed realizing (y/n) wasn't on the bed anymore. I heard her giggle and I sat up looked around. She was dressed in my clothes, they looked baggy on her yet slightly cute. I blushed and walked towards her.

"Wh-what are you doing in my clothes?" I chuckled.

She giggled and jumped at me, making us both fall on the bed. She kissed my forehead and sat on top of me.

"H-hey--" I was cut off by someone ringing our doorbell.

"Ooh!! I'll get it!!" She squealed getting up and running down our stairs right to the door. I walked shortly behind her.

She opened the door and it revealed a face that was very dear to me.

"Uhhhh...Hello. I'm looking for Len Kagamine. Who may you be?" She asked (y/n).

"I'm his--"

"Ack!! Rin what're you doing here?" I ran up and hugged her.

"Len!! You're still alive!!"

"Uhhh. Yeah?"

"People were saying that the demon hunters got to ya!!" She said laughing.

"Demon hunters?" (Y/n) came into the conversation.

"Len who's that?" Rin asksed.

"She's my girlfriend."

After that silence came.

"A-again?" "What happened to the last?"

I stared at her shock ran through me. The girl I was with before. I left her. But I loved her. I don't know why I did it.

{(y/n)'s Pov}

"L-len?" I asked. He stood there frozen. He then put his hand on my shoulder and leaned in close to me. He kissed me but I didn't kiss back.

"I'll be right back. I promise."

"Len what're you--" Len's sister was cut off by him shoving her out of the door.

He opened it and came back in. He rushed to me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you" I whispered.

"Me too" he said before rushing out of the door.

"Please come back"

I whispered.

"Dream Eater" Len X Reader (lime and lemons?) Where stories live. Discover now