Last Time Together

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Before I get started pleaseeeee forgive meeeee! I'm sorrryyyyyyy I died. XD But seriously I'm about 2 chapters away from the ending. If you guys want to talk to me or something my Instagram is "Ollieisdatboi". One last thing, this story doesn't have anything to do with the song after like two chapters. XD (Lol I didn't know Lily was actually a vocaloid until like chapter three) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

{No Pov}

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!!"  Lily screamed louder. She didn't want to leave. The last time she saw her "overlord" happy was with (y/n). She wanted to be (y/n). The angrier she got, the faster the flames died out. But her skin, it was melted and burned. She looked hideous. (I'm sorry lol) She slowly walked out of the room, not making any noise. She found Len, Rin, (lol it autocorrected to rib XD) and (y/n) faster then she thought.

{Len's Pov}

I wasn't sure if (y/n)'s pain was because of the baby or because of the potion but I  knew I had to get out of there.  I got up but realized that Rin was no longer on my shoulder.

"What the-"

"L-looking..for..someone...?" I turned around quickly and saw Lily...but she was no longer just unappealing. She was burned and looked kinda... Sigh....who am I kidding..she was scary and looked even shorter.

I screamed and (y/n) screeched while getting up quickly.

"Eh? What's..wrong...overlord??! Am I not as beautiful as I was before?? Yeah. Thank you. This happened thanks to YOU!!!" She walked closer to me, so I backed away only to realize that (y/n) wasn't behind me anymore.

"YOU WERE ALWAYS UGLY FROM THE HEART YOU FRICKING NUTCASE!!!" I heard (y/n) scream from my right.

She charged at Lily and tackled her, she was holding the spear from earlier in the other room.

"(Y/n)!!! Wait!!!"

"YOU.. ARE GOING...TO LEAVE US ALONE..ONCE...AND...FOR ALL!!!" (Y/n) stabbed Lily continuously in between her chest. (what chest? XD jk) Lily just kept on wheezing.

I ran over to Rin and picked her up.

"Ughhhh...what's going on??" Rin asked quietly. 


I pulled (y/n) over and started running.

"Overlord!!! Please don't! Don't leave me!!!" I heard Lily start to cry and I stopped in my tracks.

"Len!! Hurry!!!! Please! Let's go!!" (Y/n) held on to my hand and dragged me.

"Wait" I turned around and walked over to Lily and smiled.

"Goodbye, you nuisance I don't want to ever see your ugly face again. I hope you suffer." I kicked her and ran over to (y/n).

No Pov

Len walked over to (y/n) who was hugging Rin tightly, and held her hand.


"Wh-" Len dragged (y/n) away from what used to be of Lily's castle, quickly.

"Promise me that you won't turn around at all, (Y/n)..."

"I promise..."

"Rin,...(y/n), close your eyes and cover your ears but keep running forward, I will do the same..."

None of them questioned Len's orders. They did as he said and quickly ran, as the ground began to shake.

(Time skip)

(Y/n)'s Pov

"(Y/n) I'm so glad that we could make it back to my- our castle alive." Len kissed my forehead as we laid together in our bed.

"I am too..."

"┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴"

"Rin!!! Get out!!" Len yelled as he got up and acted casual.

"Are you guys making babies yet??!!  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )" Rin jumped on the bed and sat in between us. (Whispers third wheel.........)

"Oh right we didn't tell you yet..." Len coughed awkwardly as he wrapped his arm around Rin's neck. He dramatically looked up at the ceiling.

"My dear,dear, are going to be an aunt."

"Wot m8." She back flipped off of the bed while screeching.


The End. XD jk



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