hello my name is prince and my i was in class writing paper

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hello my name is prince and I was in class writing a paper and my teacher Mr James said prince what are you writing thier and prince said oh I'm writing a picture of me and you on the airplane and who is that with the big head Mr James said oh that's you but my head is not that big Mr James said I know it was hard to make a smaller head prince said why don't I just turn it into a butt head but my head is not no butt Mr James said well you said that you didn't like the big head prince said and I drew that we had to jump out of the airplane well why do you have a para shoot and I don't because you asked me could you have one and I didn't give it to you prince said well what happened to me Mr James said oh you landed on a truck BOOM prince said well what happened to you oh I landed safely prince said so you mean that I got hurt and you landed safely Mr James said yep that's right prince said oh WELL THAT'S STUPID then one of the other teachers came in Mr James's classroom and he said Mr James yes Mr James said back Dustin has his head in the toliet again oh gosh I'll get the butter Mr James said then Mr James told our class to be working when I come back then he left and Michelle got up and said so since he's gone can you guys help me prank him Michelle for the fourth time we are not gonna help you prank Mr James Gordon said yeah so go and sit down Drew said WHY DON'T YOU GO HOME AND TAKE A DONKEY BATH Michelle shouted okay so this what we re gonna do first is put a fake chair that looks likes the one that he sits in Michelle said um Michelle could you be quiet I'm eating my cupcake fat Billy said then Michelle went to fat Billy and she grabbed his cupcake and she smashed it in his face BAM now your finished with it Michelle said then if he sharpens his pencil it will be a machine that will make him shake wait so where's the real one at prince said oh I threw that in the trashcan a while ago Michelle said then if he gets on the table Michelle said the table is gonna bounce him up and down then if he mashes a hook will come out and snatch his underwear off okay Michelle what's in it for us Brandon said well if you guys help me prank Mr James I won't tell anyone that you helped me Ill take the blame prank and I'm gonna give all of you one hundred bucks okay we re in they all said then everybody in the classroom got up and helped Michelle put up all the traps then when Mr James was about to come and Michelle said he's coming sit down then Mr James came in and he said I'm back then when he saw that they were working he said wow so you guys was working this hold time I was gone YES everyone said oh well I'm surprised Mr James said then when he went to the fake chair and he sat on it made a sound CRI CRI and it broke BAM and he said ohhhhhh why did my chair break when I sat on it well I don't know maybe it was old Michelle said that's impossible because I just got this chair last year Mr James said then he said well my pencil looks like it needs sharp in then Mr James went over to the pencil sharpener and he put his pencil in it and it made him shake and he said whaaaaaaaat theeeeeee heeeeck then he banged his head on table three times BAM BAM BAM then he crashed his head in the window BAM then he snatched his hand out the sharpener and he fell on the bounce table and when the table bounced Mr James up and he hit the sillling BOOM and he fell on the ground then he got up and he said okay who is responsible for this who Mr James said then Michelle raised her hand and she said I did well guess what young lady your going to the principal's office Mr James said now go then Michelle went to the principal's office then Mr James said what does this button do then drew said no Mr James don't mash that button yeah that button can snatch your pants off Gordon said oh please that only happens on TV shows Mr James said then when he had mashed the button the hook snatch his pants off and he had on Elmo underwear Then everyone started laughing HA HA HA HA then prince said dude you wear Elmo underwear it was the only kind that they had then Drew said yeah and I've been wearing a diaper untill I was seven HA HA HA HA HA then when Michelle went home and Mr Michael founded out that Michelle was suspended and he shouted wHAT SUSPENDED why are you suspended what did you do I kinda like pranked Mr James Michelle said oh my gosh Michelle how many times have I told you not to do those pranks it can hurt people and that was worst then the one you did last week Mr Michael said do you remember what you did to Mr Jason magnet you put in the yard and he brought his suitcase then Mr Jason was walking in the yard and he lade his suit case on the ground then you used that magnet to pick it up to play a trick then when he noticed that it was gone and he said where did my suitcase go then his suitcase was behind him and it knocked him in the head and he fell on his stomach BAM then he got up and and huh that's suspicious my suitcase has never flew in the air before and knocked me in the head then he lade his suitcase on the ground and the magnet moved then when he was getting he missed it and he fell on his stomach again BAM then he got back up again and the magnet moved the suitcase and the magnet raised it up and it knocked Mr Jason in the face and Mr Jason flipped over and he fell on his stomach again BAM okay what is going on with my suitcase Mr Jason said then when he got up again and the suitcase knocked Mr Jason in the head BAM then he got up again and the suitcase knocked him in the head again BAM then it Capt on knocking him in the head BAM BAM BAM BAM then Mr Jason shouted WHY IS THIS HAPPENING then Mr Jason thought that he lost the suitcase and he was leaving and the suitcase was behind him and it knocked him in the head again and Mr Jason flipped over and fell on his back BOOM then he shouted WHY DOES THIS SUITCASE HATE ME then Mr Jason left and then the Chinese lady and Mr James came out and the Chinese lady said oh Mr James you are so romantic I don't know why a women dosent want to date you oh thank you Ms Wong um do you mind if I use the bathroom right quick Mr James said well sure the Chinese lady said great then Mr James went to the bathroom and Michelle was behind Prince's trashcan with the magnet and Michelle turned on the magnet and the magnet blew the Chinese lady's wig off then Mr James came out of the house and he said alright I'm back from the bathroom then when he saw that her wig was off he said oh gosh your bold what do you mean then he took out his mirror and when she saw it she screamed Ahhhhh please Mr James don't leave don't worry I'm not leaving Mr James said I'm I'm just going back in to lay on your table then he went back inside the house in he got up on the table and he started making noises ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh then the Chinese lady said alright I want to know who is doing this then Mr Michael came out and the Chinese lady blamed it all on him and he said hey and the Chinese lady slapped him BAM and he fell on the ground oh yeah I remember that was a best prank I have ever done Michelle said and it's gonna be the last prank your gonna do because your grounded WHAT but you can't do that Michelle said oh yes I can because I'm your father now go to your room Mr Michael said okay I'll go BUT I'M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT then Michelle went to her room and she opened up the window and she called prince and Drew prince Drew come over here Michelle whispered then prince and Drew went over to the window where Michelle was and Drew said so how did oh I don't know I could of got grounded Michelle said your dad grounded you Drew said yeah for two weeks well is thier anything we can do prince said then well I do have a plan okay what is it what if prince goes inside my house to distract my dad and Drew can tell me when I can sneak out of the house okey it's a deal prince said um prince we re not doing deal's Michelle said we re just gonna help her sneak out of the house oh I thought that we were about to see Drew s diaper PRINCE Drew shouted wait you still where diapers Michelle said no I mean yeas I mean go and distract Mr Michael Drew said then prince went inside Michelle s house and prince said hey Mr Michael how are you doing prince what do you want Mr Michael said I just came to play with Michelle well Michelle is in her room grounded so you can't go in there that's okay I'll just look around for a little bit prince said then prince bent down and he was smelling Mr Michaels butt and Mr Michael saw prince smelling his butt and he said PRINCE then prince said huh when was the last time you washed your behind prince stop smelling butt and it's probably your behind that's Smell's Mr Michael said then prince saw Mr Michaels camera and he grabbed it and Mr Michael said hey put that down prince what this prince said yeah my grandmother gave me that for Christmas well it's mine now then prince ran with Mr Michael s camera and Mr Michael shouted PRINCE then his pants fell down then he said prince come back here with my camera and Mr Michael ran after prince and then Drew went in the house and he called for Michelle and he said Michelle he's gone then Michelle said meet me at the window then Drew went to the window and he said Mr Michael is gone okay pull me out 123 and pull let's do it again 123 pull Drew why aren't you pulling oh I don't know maybe because I can't pull a person out a window Drew said while Drew was trying to pull Michelle out the window Mr James was walking down the street and then prince running from Mr Michael and Mr Michael said PRINCE GIVE ME BACK MY CAMERA NEVER prince said back then when prince went past Mr James and then Mr James grabbed Mr Michael and Mr Michael said let me go no Mr James said come on I promise I won't get upset then Mr James let him go and he said alright first of all where are your pants I lost them because I was chasing after this idiot Mr Michael said well it's not my fault that you always lose your pants prince said THAT TEARS IT Mr Michael shouted then Mr James grabbed Mr Michael again stop that now prince tell me your story first well I was just taking a picture of myself with my camera that is not your camera Mr Michael said no prince is telling his story first continue prince then like Mr Michael came out and he said boy will you stop taking those pictures before I beat you up then snatch the camera out of my hand and he called me stupid then prince started crying and he said Mr JAMES JUST DON'T LET HIM GET ME okay that is not what happened and that's my camera alright now prince tell Mr Michael that your sorry and give him back his camera Mr James said no prince said and then prince ran away see this is what I'm talking about Mr Michael said HEY PRINCE GIVE ME THAT CAMERA BACK then Mr Michael ran after prince and then he came back and said hey Mr James could you be able to watch Michelle for me she's grounded yeah but I'm not planning on okay thanks then Mr Michael left wait Mr James said man there are lots of boseoes in San Francisco then Mr James left and Drew was still trying to pull Michelle out that window and Michelle said come on Drew pull harder I'm trying Drew said okay you know what I'm just gonna go out the window how does that sound it sounds good Drew said then Michelle went out the door and she said now let's go and play then Mr James came in the yard and he said Michelle what are you doing outside you should be in your room um I'm telling Drew to go home Drew can I talk to Michelle for a little bit yeah sure and Drew left and Mr James said Michelle why do you like to do pranks I don't know because sometimes I wanna be cool and sometimes I like think I don't fit in with the other kids and while Michelle was telling Mr James why she does pranks Mr Michael was still chasing after prince and prince shouted GIVE UP OLD MAN YOU CAN'T CATCH UP WITH ME and Mr Michael was sweating to death and he said well i probably can't catch up and my arms an legs and pants are sweaty I'm still gonna get that camera then prince turned to the left and he went in a car wash shop and Mr Michael saw him go in there and then he went in there and he said that boy has got to be in here come out prince Mr Michael said come out come out where ever you are then Mr Michael saw prince go in a white car and Mr Michael tip toad around there and he said I Knew that boy isn't so clever after all then Mr Michael got in the car and then this man opened up the door and he threw Mr Michael out the car and the man said YO HOMBRE POR QUE POR QUE ESTAS EN MI ESPOSA oh I'm sorry I didn't mean too Mr Michael said and then this other man got out of the car and he told the other man to get back in the car and Mr Michael said look I'm sorry if I had caused trouble but I'm looking for this boy with black hair then the other man said Miro Lo Siento Si He Causado Problemas Pero Estoy Buscando Este Muchacho Con El Pero the man said and I'm looking for him Mr Michael said Estoy En Busca De El the man said are you mocking me Mr Michael said Se Le Estás Bulrando De Mi then prince sneaked out of a car and Mr Michael saw him and he said look I have to go right now it was nice to meet you and Mr Michael left and then the mans wife said so Papa did he fall for it well some of it the man said look easy I can tie my shoes the other man said dude how many times do I have to tell you I Am Not your father I'm your brother oh well where's my father then then the man got roled his eyes and got back in the car then after that Mr James was still talking to Michelle and Mr James said but I don't get it you already have two good friends yeah I do like to hang out with prince and Drew Michelle said but like sometimes I wish that we can be like other kids I just want us to have other friends then Mr James said well that doesn't mean you have to do pranks to impress people Mr James said look all you just have to do is just believe in yourself and when the time comes you guys will make new friends yeah your right and you what ever happens me Drew and prince will always be friends and that's right Mr James said now where's your father oh he's chasing prince oh yeah Mr James said and prince was still running from Mr Michael and prince said PLEASE STOP CHASING ME then Mr Michael said PRINCE I'M NOT GONNA STOP RUNNING UNTIL YOU GIVE ME BACK MY CAMERA then the news people were recording Mr Michael running after prince and they said now over to the left you see a boy running from a man no pants on the end now the cast Prince Drayton as prince Ella Anderson as Michelle Brad doirf as Mr Michael Jace Norman as Drew Breanna song as the Chinese lady Luke osten as Mr Jason and Robert Englund as Mr James thank you for reading all of my stories you have a bless day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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