Chapter Eight

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Sagefoot watched as Graypool sat near the big tree. She was too old to climb it, but she still sat with confidence. Smokestep had a look of hurt on his face, it looked sour, and bitter to look at. Sagefoot swallowed, and looked away.

"Songbird." Graypool started. Songbird looked up to meet her gaze.

"Yes?" She asked. Graypool smiled.

"You would make a great leader. You are a loyal, loving warrior, and misunderstood. However, we've spoke about it, and you said that you do not want to be the leader of FireClan." Surprise pricked Sagefoot.

"After speaking about it, we came to a conclusion." Graypool finally said after several moments.

"Sagefoot. You have not been a clan-cat long." Graypool started as Sagefoot felt his heart about to burst from his chest.

"But you've proven to be a loyal, proud, and friendly cat. And of course lets not mention the love you have for Songbird.." Graypool joked, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Songbird blush.

"Therefore, we have decided that Sagefoot will be the leader of FireClan!" Sagefoot almost passed out. He was going to be the leader? Then, he heard something.

"Sagestar! Sagestar!" It was Songbird and Sweetwing's voice. Even Smokefoot joined in, but obviously not pleased about it. Graypool sent a smile to Sagefoot, or soon-to-be Sagestar. He nodded.

"Thank you, Graypool. This is the greatest honor." Graypool nodded, resting her head on top of the tom's.

"When will we go to Mother Mouth?" Sweetwing, the hyper she-cat asked. Graypool withdrew a breath, blue eyes glazing over Sweetwing.

"We cannot go to Mother Mouth." Sweetwing's ears perked up.

"Why not?" She questioned.

"Because Sagefoot doesn't believe in StarClan." Songbird finished. Sagefoot froze.

"Ha! So were letting this rogue be our leader, and he doesn't even believe in our protectors?" Smokestep challenged. Sagefoot's eyes were grew with hurt.

"Oh, no. We'll show him StarClan exsists." Graypool mewed. Songbird nodded.

"Sleep well, Sagefoot. Tonight will be exhausting for you." Sagefoot swallowed, watching Graypool and Songbird walk off together. The only part of what he heard was about how they were going to work on the medicine cat den.

"Smokestep..." Sagefoot heard Sweetwing's voice. He looked over, making sure not to catch their attention.

"Yeah, Sweetwing?" He asked.

"I-I don't know if I can be mates with you anymore..." She mumbled. Sagefoot's ears lowered immediately when he heard this.

"W-What!? Why not!?" Smokestep said. Sagefoot could tell he was struggling to keep himself calm.

"I-I'm sorry.. When we were apprentices, you were so nice to me.. If I knew your attitude was like this... I wouldn't have ever fell in love with you in the first place..." Smokestep fell silent as she said that. Sagefoot swallowed.

"I-If you'd like.. You can go back to ThunderClan. Just keep our existence a secret.. Please..." She mumbled.

"No..." Smokestep said.

"I am staying in FireClan. I would do anything to have you take me back." He said, in almost a growl. Sagefoot quickly walked away before they noticed him.

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