Chapter Three

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The moon had risen with silver-pelt, Giving light to the dark forest. Sage had been keeping watch while Songbird was taking a nap.

"She's had a rough day from what she tells me, but yet she is so determined to do this... It's inspiring." Sage thought to himself. The moon tonight was almost full. Tomorrow at moon-high is when all the clans would meet. He went over and shook Songbird, feeling bad for awakening her from her sleep.

"Songbird, Songbird wake up. We have to go meet with.. Sweetwing?" Sage asked, almost forgetting her name.

"Ah..." She yawned.

"Right... Sweetwing. Let's go." Songbird said, as if already regretting the deal with her. Sage walked behind Songbird as she lead the way back to the border. Not at all a surprise, a white she-cat with gray patches. Next to her was a dark gray tom- So dark he was almost black- with dull green eyes.

"When are they going to get here?" Sage heard the tom as they got closer.

"Be patient my love. Oh! There she is now!" Sweetwing almost wailed.

"Hello." Songbird greeted in the most mature manner.

"What is this about?" The dark tom growled.

"Patience, Smokestep." Sweetwing scolded. Smokestep scoffed.

"What I have gathered you here to say... You must keep it a secret." Songbird paused. Sage looked at the gathered cats.

"I'm starting my own clan, but we need more founders. Would you two like to be apart of the founders...?" The two ThunderClan cats stared at each other. Sweetwing's eyes met Songbird's.

"Making a clan is a hard thing to do. Do we even have the right area for this? And-" Sweetwing began.

"We'll help be the founders." Smokestep said, interrupting his mate. Sage's eyes widened.

"Really? I thought this would be the opposite of what would happen..." Sweetwing looked at her mate and nodded.

"Yeah. Smokestep is right. I'd gladly help you anytime, Songbird." Songbird shone that smile again, causing Sage to look away.

"Let's go, I'll take you to our territory." Songbird began leading the way towards their new home. The she-cats walked together, Sage tried to travel somewhat behind them, But Smokestep always matched his pace. Finally, he spoke.

"Who are you?" He asked. His dull eyes barely meeting Sage's.

"I'm Sage." Sage said, Licking his chest fur.

"I just met Songbird not too long ago." Sage said, trying not to show any particular feelings.

"Are you sure she won't be banished from this clan, too? Her own clan?" Smokestep questioned.


"You know she got banished from ThunderClan, don't you? Who says she won't kill one of us." He said in almost a whisper so Songbird couldn't hear.

"No. She wouldn't. She didn't even kill that cat." Sage said, trying to defend her.

"All we know is that she was banished for drowning a cat." Smokestep growled.

"There's more to it than that! I'm not telling you her story, either!" He snapped, but took a moment to regain himself.

"Just give her a chance, okay?" Sage asked. Smokestep rolled his eyes as they walked up the hill.

Songbird's Future:  Founding a FoundationWhere stories live. Discover now