My mate (A wearwolf romance)

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I woke at the sound of my alarm clock like every morning. It was set for 5am. I was tired but my older sister wouldn’t let me sleep. I am on the top of a bunk bed. I was trying to sleep but she dragged me down the ladders by my feet and I wacked my head off the step. I woke instantly and changed into a pale brown wolf with blue eyes, my hair colour and eye colour. I think mum must have heard me and most of the village because everyone's lights were turning on and mum was running upstairs to calm me down.

After 5 minutes I calmed down slightly and changed back to human. I got changed into my black blazer, trousers and socks. I put on my white blouse and but my shoes on. I ties up my long blonde hair with a white bobble, grabbed my bag and went to school. Put it this way i was that pissed that I forgot my lunch.

My first lesson was maths with Mr Brewin. Ugh maths. I thought it was best to skip and run wild in the forest in wolf form for a hour. So I met up with be best friend Lilly and we went to the forest, hid behind a tree and stripped. We have to strip otherwise we will rip our clothes and it would be painful for our bones to change. As you know I am a pale brown wolf with blue eyes. Lilly on the other hand is a pure black wolf with grey eyes, her human hair and eye colour. Since we stripped behind trees opposite sides of the clearing we met each other in the centre and started our run.

While on our run Lilly found a male wolf scent that we didn’t recognise. The scent seemed to be fresh and a male was somewhere nearby. Lilly asked me if we could go find the mystery male wolf but I told her that we couldn't because we had 15 minutes to find our clothes and to get to our next class. Science with Mrs Stirzaker. I don’t mind science because I’m a boffin. After 5 minutes running looking for our clothes I found my scent and followed it back to the tree that had my clothes behind. I quickly got changed and met Lilly in the clearing again. I’m slow at getting changed and unchanged.

We grabbed our bags and sprinted back to school and we were 10 minutes late for science and got told off. In science I sat next to Lilly and we was thinking about the mystery male that seemed to be watching us and wondered who it was. Suddenly Mrs Strizaker asked the symbol for Hydrochloric acid and to write it on the bored. I got up and wrote HCL which I think is right. Luckily it was and I returned to Lilly and carried on dreaming on what he would look like, if he was fit, if he knew is, why he was watching us and if he knew our names.

After science we had form. Sadly I’m not in Lilly’s form so we said bye and I went to D06 where my form is and we got asked why we didn’t turn up to maths. I just said I woke up late and my form tutor Miss Dayely believed me. It was only 2 hours ago since we found the males scent and I was day dreaming about him and finally form ended. At least in form you don’t do any work. All you do is read, listen to music, and complete unfinished work and chat. Or in my case daydream.

I took my time coming out of form because I have double dance next. I hate dance. I had it with Miss Johnson and Miss Fox. On my way to my locker I saw some people from my class and they just laughed at me like normal. I got to my locker, 239b, and got out my PE kit. While walkin down the stairs I got tripped and fell down a few stairs and everyone just started laughing at me. Lilly saw me and helpped me up.

I ended up is a really pissed mood. Then so nobody pissed me even more from laughing at me I got Lilly's grip off my arm and ran out of the school gates into the forrest. I went to the place where I went in maths and hid behind the same tree incase anyone was there watching me. I places my bag and clothes into a high tree and then changed into a wolf again. I sniffed the air and noticed that the same scent was in the air and on the tree that I was at. I wasnt alone.

I slowly walked around the clearing then suddenly I heard a wolfs howl. I instantly knew it wasnt a wild wolf. The mystry wolf has returned. I howled back to show he wasnt alone. He howled again like he wanted me to find him. I followed his hown then stopped in my tracks. I saw a chocolate brown wolf with green eyes staring at me in pain. I looked down at him to see he was stuck in a bear trap. I whined 'I will be right back!' I pounded to the tree i had my clothed at and I was relieved that I had packed clothes to play out in.

I jumpped into the tree, still as a wolf, and grabbed my things. I raced back to where the mystary wolf was. Then just before I got to where he was I changed back to human and got into my trackies and polo top. I yelled at the top of my voice.


I ran streight to where he was and took my belt from my school trousers. I placed it next to me then pulled at the trap to get it off. He was howling in pain but I knew that howl. He was calling his family for help. Sudddenly 7 beautiful wolfes came behind me and changes to human and got their clothes back on. I notices there was a young girl with them. Probably the alpha's child. They all ran over to help me get the trap off him.

They were telling me where to and where not to put my hands and they told me that this wasnt the first time they have had to do this. After about an hour we managed to get the trap of him. He instantly changed to human and he was in extreme pain. I told them to use my belt to stop him bleeding. The mystary person was around 16 like me. He hadnt become the age to find his mate yet. His family sent the little girl, who i founf out her name was Lisa, to go and get his clothes.

Soon I found out that the boys name was Nathen. I told him that my name was Amy and slowly we became good friends. Nathens family tolf me that I couldnt go back home because I found their secret but when I showed them i was a werewolf too they let me join their family. Finally I had left my normal life but I worried about Lilly still.

The family of 8 that i had joined there was: Nathen, Lisa, Zorro, (Alpha male) Jenny, (Alpha female) Raymond, Vicky, Rachel and Lydia. I ended up as the lowest ranking wolf since I was the newest but I didnt mind.

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