My new lover

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I had only been in the family for 6 weeks and I had found out that Nathen had imprinted on me since I had saved his life. Imprinting on someone meens that you would do anything or be anything for them. When you see them its not gravity holding you to the earth, its them. I had noticed that every time he saw me, he blushed and shied away.

I had also noticed because wolves diet is normally human flesh, this family only ate other animals and deer. I have noticed that the family love being party crashers and hunt down killers and other bad people. At least we help people and not kill them. If any human is lost or trapped in the forest then we phase (change to human or wolf) and help them get out and help them find the way out.

To tell you the truth I now feel awkward around Nathen and normally hang around Lucy more now and I have been given the job to help look after youngsters since in the while I have been in the family, the alpha female, Jenny, had become pregnant with a baby boy. The only reason we know its a boy is because we took Jenny to a hospital, in human form, and had a scan. There is only one problem though when the baby is born. It will stay as a wolf until its 1 years old.

We will have to keep her away from the humans but we eat, drink, asleep and play in wolf form so we rarely phase to a human. Which in one way is very lucky. I have asked the alpha female and male if I can let my best friend Lilly help me with the babysitting job because she is a wolf and they said after winter since it in December. Only a few weeks now until she can join us. Yay!

Later that evening the pack, what I learned was called 'The Saviours', went out to hunt and left me on my own with the cub Lucy. We just played and played until it was almost midnight. But our fun had soon ended and we became terrified. A twig snapped behind us and we thought it was the other wolves from our pack so we went over to look. Since Lucy was now 1 and a half she could phase to human but we stayed as a wolf to protect ourselves.

We looked behind all the bushes and trees, but nobody was there. Suddenly Lucy let out a high pitched yelp as she was muzzled. I looked behind to make sure she was ok but we were surrounded. I had to surrender since we were surrounded by 20 odd mystary wolves. After I surrendered I had a muzzle attached to me but not before I let out a mighty howl asking for the pack to come and save us since I had saved their pack member.

After the muzzles were attached we were forced to phase back to human. So we did without any choice. Our arms and legs were tied to eachother and Lucy's arm was tied to mine. Atleast we were together. A few of the mystary pack members phased to human form and put dick tape over our mouthes to stop us from yelling.

Not long after we had left captive, our pack had returned to the place they left us to find us missing.


I got back to the place where I had left Amy and Lucy to find them missing. My baby and her protecter. When I find out who took them I will kill them and all that helpped.

I am just happy that Amy let out that very loud cry for help but then all I heard was her yelp in pain. All of the pack looked at eachother worried and bounded to where we left them to see them gone. I hope they're ok otherwise I may kill myself. If anything happens to them I swear to god. i was going to up rank Amy tonight aswell...

Im worried sick about what will happen to us. Wether the pack will eat us, use us as slaves, sell us or anything eles. I dont want to go onto the werewolf market. But now atleast we have stopped traveling but we have reached to some sort of confinment. We had entered a cave and we saw lots of other captive wolves and quite a few dead ones too. I didnt want Lucy to see any of this but she had no choice.


I cant believe someone has captured my mate and my little sister! When I find out who's took them I will fight for them. I have a feeling where they are and I am going to sneak away tonight to go and find them. I swear the hunter tribe had taken them and put them with all those poor starved wolves. If they are there I am going to free all of the wolves I can without being killed. I hope my plan work's!


As we walk to our new cage we notice that there are rats everywhere! Ugh! I think we must have walked past about 250 other captured wolves just to get to our cages. Lucy pointed out to me is the males and females are slpit up. We finally arive at our cage. Its got to be the biggest cage there. They told me that its for the inocent wolves that we just passed. The bars are metal but atleast we have grass everywhere and a stream to drink out of. It seems nice. We get chucked inside and look around. I have Lucy next to me not wanting to leave my side because shes terrified.

Suddenly a wolf with only one eye jumps out at us. He looks quite kind, but im mistaken. He lunges at me and we end up fighting. Me for mine and Lucys safety and his... well I think his just hungry. Im normally good at fighting since I have play fighted with my new family so im ready to fight and I have always beaten them. I am classed as the best fighter. Apart from the alpha male. Then out of the blue another male wolf comes out and the wolf iim fighting gets me around the neck because i had lost focus. I felt the life inside me just dripping away because he had bitten me and badly indured me.

That pathetic wolf suddenly goes flying across the cage because that other male wolf had knocked that one eyed freak off me. He tells me to keep the child away from Damon. Then before I could reply Damon attacks the wolf that saved my life. I still lie there when the fight had finished. Weakening every second. Atleast that Damon wolf had lost the battle and I guessed that the other wolf was the alpha of the cage.

He told me that his name was Zorro and he was a champian fighter. He tells me and Lucy that he was out hunting a croud of deer when a group of about 20 wolves came at him. He told us that he didnt go down without a fight. He would fight for his life.

When most of the guards went to sleep. Me, Lucy and Zorro stayed awake to think of a plan to escape. I said that if I told my new dad (Alpha male) that you saved our lives then he might let him live with us. He seemed very happy.

The plan was that when it was feeding time to attack the guard wolves and release any wolves that we can. Without getting our selfs caught and re-trapped. We all hoped it was going to work.


Message to fans:

Thanx for reading my story and please move to the next chapter and hope you like it so far. Please vote, like, tell friends and comment. Any tips on how to make it better will help so much!!!

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