The plan - escape time

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It is now 6am and feeding time is a 8am. We have already woke up Lucy but tried not to wake up Damon. Otherwise he would give us away, and unless we dont want to be trapped here all our lifes then we best do it quietly and get as many out as we can.


Today is the big day! Its time to kick some wolf ass. I was sleeping like a baby until i got picked by the scruff of my neck and carried to the ditch where that Zorro wolf was. Its only 6:15am and I dont normally get up till 8am but since I have been in this crap hole I have not had much sleep what so ever. Im going to the stream in a minute to get myself wide awake. Its nto fair though. In wolf form I'm 1 years olfdbut since now i can phase to human, which im not going to yet, I'm 9 years old and I know all of the swear words but I'm not going to say them incase you dont knwo them.


I'm excited! Today is the day of freedom. We have been in this shit hold for a few weeks now. I cant wait to see Nathan again! I miss him lots but I am starting to think that Zorro has imprinted on me otherwise why woulf he had saved a strangers life. He doesnt even know me... Mind you I think I have a little feeling for him because he is the only one keeping me and Lucy alive at this point.


I cant wait because this will be my first time out of this cage for over 5 years! I also think that i ahve inprinted on Amy because why eles would I save a strangers life. When I saw damon grab her by the neck and see the pain in her eyes asking for help I just had to love her and keep her and Lucy alive. I wonder if she already has a mate.

*BACK TO NATHAN AND THE PACK -  The night before*

I wonder if I have the currage to leave the safety of the pack and rish my own life for my mate and little sister. Wait what am I saying of cause I have the currage. Its just that I have never left the pack before and I'm scared that I'm going to lose my life trying to save the one I love...

Its starting to get dark and the pack are setting off for hunting. I am of cause with them. But not for long... My dad sudddenly houls to show he's found a group of deer and dinner is on the plate. My sisters, mum, dad and brother start to chase off for the deer because there hungry. I on the other hand is owndering whether to have someting to eat then rin away or to just run away and find my own food. I think i'll chose food at the moment.

I manage to catch a stag and kill it. I eat it as quickly as I can protecting it from the rest of the pack and stray wolves. I think my family is noticing im acting weirdly. But oh well they wont have me for long.

As we return back my mother asks me if im feeling alright. I say im fine and run to catch up with my older brother. We get back to camp and It is almost midnight and im very tired. I want to get a few hours sleep but I knwo that I cant. Otherwise I wont be able to wake myself. Finally the pack is in a deep sleep the only things awake are the owls hooting away. I personally hat owls, they're very anoying!

I quietly get up getting ready to run. I try to smell the hunters pack and there is a brief smell of them in the air. I run to try and get to where they are quickly but quietly. If I wake my family then game over and I will have to try again another night in a few weeks and I will be under close supervision.

Im now running as fast as I can but I soon have to stop in my tracks because there is now a stray fully grown wolf infront of me in a fight position. It looks like im going to have to fight to get passed. I get into my defencive position. Suddenly I notice that there is about another 19 wolves. I realise im not going to win this battle because it some of the best fighters from the hunters pack. I wonder that if I surrender that they will lead me to my mate, Amy and my sister Lucy.

So I want so see if this plan works, stuff my other plan. I surrender and the wolves march me not talking and not letting me talk to the headquarters. It is a very long trip and I fell over with tiredness a couple of times. But when I finally get there I just cant believe how many wolves there are. There are not just wolves but there are also rate everywhere but mainly where the wolves have died of starvation or disease or something eles weird. I must have walked past over 200 wolves when I finally got to a huge pen funn of grass and there is a stream running through it.

I walk in and it seems like heaven but really its prison. I only take a few steps when I am suddenly lunged at by a pathetic one eyed wolf. I get up because he only knocked me down and we start circling eachother. I notice that we are not the only wolved in this cage a pure black wold walks to us and tells that wolf called Damon to back off and im his.

I wonder what he meant. When Damon walked away in a mood and went back to sleep because it was about 7:30am I saw Amy and Lucy run out to me and give me a huge wolfie cuddle. They ask me where I have been and I told them a long story short. I said that the pack missed them loads and wanted you back, they wondered where they'd gone, I wanted them back worse than the pack, I came searching for them and surredered to the people that caputed them. I even admitted I had imprinted on Amy! I felt really embarrased.

After the other wolf that was called Zorro admitted his feelings for Amy he told me how he had saved Amy and Lucy's life. I was grateful but anoyed he had a crush on my mate! Amy admitted her feelings for us aswell. We all went to a ditch behind a waterfall where I was told where they sleep, play and had meetings. It was practically their home. Mind you it was very nice. I had to admit.

They told me the plan to eacape was to knock out or kill the guards when it was feeding time and to release as many wolves as we possibly could and then run as close to our pack as we possibly could. They also said how not to get recaptured. While doing this i noticed some teath marks on her neck and Zorro told me that it was from Damon a few weeks ago when they had arived

I had also just remembered that I had brought some meat with me. By the thine I rememberes this it was 7:50am and feeding hour was in 10 minutes. We all got into our positions and we also made sure all of the other wolves in the cages knew and they were ready for the attack...

All the gates slowly opened so we could go outside for feeding, it was easier that way, and then when the food was put diwn we ate it then RIOT!!!!! We all charged at the guards. Our cage was only about half way through the building and it was 1000 vs 750. I saw Amy and Lucy go for the younger, females and me, Zorro and Damon (he finally promiced not to grass us up) took the middle aged and stronger ones. Everyone eles just attacked as they go.

We got through but we has lost around 250 wolves but killed about 340 our self. All the rest of the guards ran away or surrendered, we killed the surrendered anyway. Then we had to kill and destroy the Alpha male of the pack. John. He was the best fighter wolf in to world and he would be the hardest to kill by far. We all got into our groups, there were 5, and one group went for the attack at one time. Me, Amy, Lucy, Zorro and Damon were in the second group.

After the first group failed we went in for the attack and succeded to kill him. Well he did have a broken leg, tail and tooth. We gave the signal and opened the gate and we all ran for freedom. Amy got Damon and Zorro to come and join our pack since they helped save us. They agreed.

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