Chapter 8

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When we woke up it was a normal morning nice and quiet and peaceful and it was raining outside cold sad depressing day but we still got up I took a shower put on my makeup Tyler took a shower did his hair got dressed and we are already to go we left a note that read dear mom. Dad, thank you for all the opportunitys you gave me I love you for saving me and going though my rough times in my life even though we are not connected by blood we feel as we are family at least us three Tyler doesn't feel like a brother he feels like a friend or a boyfriend for that sake it's not insets we aren't related in anyway I know your probably in disbelief or what did you do wrong? That the thing you did nothing wrong nothing bad you did something good introducing me to Tyler I might get married to him all because of you and for that I love you and I will miss you love you, kaelynn Tyler's letter was more depressing and describes what we are doing and going but it's so sad if you read it you might cry reader I don't want you to cry because this is something great ful once in a lifetime thing to do runway from your life and never come back change your life for the better good anyway we left the letters on the night stand next to them and ran out the door and in the car " Tyler?" " yes? " " we are finally doing it it's real now." " yes it is did you bring your medication?" " yes I did ." " okay good." I turned the car on and started to drive off the radio on blasting we are singing in the car, gas station after gas station we didn't talk it was all singing or silence until...... " hey kaelynn?" " yes Tyler?" " are you okay?" " no." " what's wrong?" " I'm scared ,nervous of what's a head of me." " me too I think that's why we haven't been talking this whole time." " I think so too." We had slim Jim after , slim Jim  it was our meals for weeks when we where eating this happened " guess what?" " what Tyler."  I said  happyly " I love you." " I love you too." We had it that  night I knew I was going to love him forever that love was like fire burning every crackle we remembered anyways we had no idea where we were going and we just found out we had loved each other un controllably we had to be with each other everywhere and every slim Jim we ate seemed like more there was more coming for us and that night oh god that night I would never regret it it was amazing every thing I ever dreamed for I loved that night but after that we had to keep driving just in case if our parents were near by I know before you think of us that's gross we are related what so ever I didn't come out of his mom and I love him so much I hope no one ever try's to find us and no one gets us from our secret hiding place damn thinking about it now what has my life become I had it all set now I have nothing no plan or anything what do i do?

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