14: Hoping For The Win

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Kevin's POV


As much as I would rather not take Grey to homecoming with Tristan, I knew it would be the only way. It's been crazy in the last month. I learned that Grey was a boxer. Surprising but yet I wasn't totally surprised. She has an athletic build and insane reflexes. She's a badass. Surprising because she was still that dorky nerd. But hey, the nerd kicks ass apparently. 

I also had been living with her, completely done with staying at home. Grey, her parents, and I actually started to clean out Patrick's room. We had boxes to donate things but it was obviously really hard for them to put something in there. Grey cried a few times, claiming a few sweatshirts and shirts that were his. We took down some posters and emptied out his desk entirely. Homework that was never handed in. On the desk was a framed photo. Patrick, Grey, and I'm guessing Ella. 

Patrick was tall and well built physically. He had dark hair and bright, vibrant green eyes. Ella was shorter than Grey by a few inches. Extremely blonde little girl. Hazel eyes, one a bit browner than the other which was unique. They were all smiling squished together on a bench swing. I hold it up to Grey, "Where was this taken?"

She couldn't help but smile at the memory, "Clark Pond. Pretty close to here."

I nod and put it back as we finished cleaning the rest of the room. It had become mine since getting out of the hospital. Grey's parents -Jennifer and Brian- were so welcoming, and I guess being the person who has their son's heart helped a bit too. 

Not only is it the week of homecoming, this is the last week to qualify for regionals. We have 10 wins and need the last game this week. We really need it. I move startled from my phone's notification, so spaced out as I laid in bed.

From: Tristan

Hey so I had an idea for Friday. Wanna get the whole team to help out with getting Grey to homecoming in a badass way?

I stared at the text before replying. Badass how?? Don't over do it, there's still prom. (which I feel like I should take her being her best friend)

His text back was almost instant. You wish you could. Look I won't freak about prom yet but how about we get some roses from each of the guys?

 I paused. That actually wasn't a bad idea. Good job block head. I gave him the go for that as Grey knocked on my door before walking in, "Ready for school?"

"Oh who wouldn't be!" I forced enthusiasm as I got up, grabbed my bags, and followed Grey to her truck as we ventured off to hell. It's awful to think that it's only October and we still have so much more of the year left. But then again, it's sad. We're seniors. Getting old sucks ass.


Thank god I have Grey because she is too damn smart for this school. Her and Gina. Both of them. I wonder who will be valedictorian though. 

"Wait, so x is 6?" I question staring at the paper lost. 

"Yeah, don't you get it, switch the x to the left side subtract -" and I lost Gina now too. I look at her as she finished her explanation. "Get it now?" I blink staring. She sighed, "Guess not. How do you expect to pass midterms and finals?"

"Oh simple, I don't," I reply bluntly.

Gina sighs, "Seriously? You need to graduate! How do you expect to do that if you fail your exams?"

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